
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

To get in touch with the Year 5 team, email :



Teacher– Miss Bacchus


Teacher– Mr King

Year 5 Teaching assistants: Miss Robinson, Miss Denton and Mrs Foulds

Important dates

Reading records and levelled reading books taken home on a Monday and returned the following Monday

PE: Wednesday and Friday (come to school in PE kits)

Maths: Practise your times tables knowledge: x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12

Home Learning

Y5 Requirement for each pupil


To read and have recorded 5 x per week.
Complete home-learning sheet- handing out on Monday and due the following Monday.

Useful links

TT Rockstars.




Spelling Frame


Spring 1

Week 1

5B enjoyed playing in the snow after lunch and they built a snowman! Excellent team work 5B!


On Wednesday, we completed some creative writing by creating our own Viking islands!

Week 2 

In art and science, we have been looking at living things. Everyone was given a flower to dissect and sketch in their art books. Here are some photos of some amazing work:















Autumn 2

Week  4

In Maths, we have delved deeper into fractions, learning how to convert mixed numbers and improper fractions! We have started a new piece of writing in English, which is a story based on a journey to space. In RE, we have continued to learn about Judaism and their festivals, as well as studying the different features of coasts.

Week  3

This week in Year 5, we finished our poems in English, based on space! The children really showcased their literacy and poetry skills. We have also started our Geography topic this week, based on Coasts and how they’re formed. In PE, we have continued to build our skills up in tag rugby and hockey. Another successful week! Well done, Team Y5!

Week  2

Another busy, but great week! This week has been anti-bullying week, Remembrance Day and Children In Need. For anti-bullying week this year, we have focused on respect and how it’s okay to be different; respecting these differences. In Science, we looked at how the orbit of the Earth, sun and moon and how this results in us having 365 days a year- with a sneaky leap year! We started our Geography topic this week, which is all about coasts. For Remembrance Day, we looked at life in the WW1 trenches and looked at a local figure, Woodbine Willie.

Week  1 

This term we have got lots of exciting learning coming up-  this includes studying Space in Science, studying Coasts in Geography and looking at Physical Health and Wellbeing in PSHE. In Maths, we will be looking at fractions and in English, we will be writing Space poems and a story!

We kicked off our Space topic with the Wonder Dome coming to visit us! The workshop explored galaxies, the solar system and how Earth became a planet. The children were wonderful, showing great interest in the topic and were asking some fabulous questions to deepen their science knowledge!


Autumn 1

Week 8

What a fab last week of the half term! The children have produced some wonderful writing in English, all about the Anglo-Saxons, focusing on fronted adverbials. In Maths, we have looked at prime numbers, squared numbers and cubed numbers- the children have really shown their mathematical and problem solving skills! On Monday, Boom-Chick-A-Boom came in for Black History Month and Year 5 had their own workshop with Faye, learning all about Leeds Carnival and the dances- they even got to try on the costumes!

Week 7

The penultimate week of term! We started the week with an oracy session, encouraging the children to share their ideas and thoughts, as well as listening to others. In maths, we have covered multiples and common multiplies, and the children have absolutely smashed it! To help create more description in writing, we have been using expanded noun phrases to help describe the Anglo-Saxons and how they lived. We also had a Commando Joe’s expert in on Tuesday to deliver a lesson and the children showed great resilience, team work and communication skills! Another great week!

Week 6

What a busy week! This week, the children continued to master their skills in multiplication and division in maths and have worked on their skills of using subordinating conjunctions in their writing. The children are really showcasing their pride in their presentation and are all seeking to get their pen license off Mrs Horan!

Week 5

This week in Year 5, we continued to develop our understanding of forces in Science. In English, we have looked at the features of a non-chronological report to support writing about the mighty Anglo-Saxons! The children have been wonderful historians, studying the basis of society within the Anglo-Saxon era! PE has included lots of team work and communication skills, both in our football and netball sessions.

Week 4

In Maths this week, we have started column addition and subtraction methods. The children have really succeeded with this and have shown great problem solving skills! We were Scientists this week and were testing the force of friction with Newton meters. In PSHE, we were studying enterprises and looking at the benefits and risks of starting an independent business. Well done on another great week, Y5!

Week 3

Another fantastic week of learning in Year 5! This week we have looked at water resistance in Science and have continued to develop our writing in English on ‘The Wolves In The Walls’. As we are celebrating our school’s 60th birthday, we have been practising Mary Poppins’ ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ song too! The children have taken a delve into life into the 60s and have looked at food, fashion and toys!

Week 2 

This week in Year 5, we kicked the week off with an amazing trip to Nell Bank. The children worked on their resilience, team building skills and their focus by completing numerous activities throughout the day. The staff at Nell Bank complimented the children on their wonderful manners! We have also started creative writing in our English based on our class reader ‘The Wolves In The Walls’ and in Maths, we are continuing working on place value.

Week  1 

Welcome to Year 5! This term we have got lots of exciting learning coming up-  this includes studying forces in Science, studying the Anglo-Saxons in History and looking at finances in PSHE.

The first week back has been a busy one, but all of the children have settled into Year 5 really well. A massive well done!


Recent News

Year 5’s author visit

Year 5 had a visit from the incredible author Kate Pankhurst, writer and illustrator of the Fantastically Great Women series of books. She spoke of her inspirations for how she came up with the ideas Read more…

Inspiration and Aspiration Program So as part of developing our pupils and preparing them for life after Park Spring we are really keen that pupils are INSPIRED to be successful – each and every day Read more…

Y5’s Trip to Jorvik

What an amazing day we had in Jorvik yesterday! Children were greeted to the underground Viking world of Jorvik city, buried under the city of York. We went on an amazing ride through an old Read more…

Pantomime- Sleeping Beauty

Years 3,4,5 an 6 were so lucky to go see Sleeping Beauty yesterday at the Alhambra Theatre in Bradford. The children really enjoyed the show, and smiled and laughed lots. We are very grateful for Read more…

Year 5 Scooter Training!

Last week, Year 5 had the lucky chance to work with Leeds City Council’s Road Safety Team. This involved having some training on how to travel around in the playground, before we took Year 5 Read more…

Black history

Well done to our Black History Month competition winners and entries! I am incredibly proud of your hard work and enthusiasm in researching your chosen hero and presenting them, AND in your own time. Amazing! Read more…