
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Year 1

     Welcome to Year 1!


To get in touch with the Year 1 team, email :



Teacher – Miss Wolfe

Teaching assistants – Mrs Place


Teacher – Miss Wykes

Teaching assistants – Miss Lawrence

Additional teaching staff

Mrs Ali-Damant, Mrs Herron, Mrs Barran


Important dates

Reading bags need to be brought in every Monday morning and will then be given out on Monday afternoons. Each child will get reading book to please read x3 at home, as well as a class library book that they can enjoy with a grown up. The reward for this is x5 Dojo points per child!!

PE: Tuesday and Friday – please ensure children come to school in their correct P.E kits.


Class Readers and Author of the half term

Our author of this half term is Kes Gray

Our class reader this half term will be – Oi Frog!


Autumn 1



Summer 2

Week 2

What an exciting week! We had a special visit from D-Side Dave about being healthy and what we should and shouldn’t put in our bodies. In literacy we have started writing our pirate stories – arrrgghh it’s great to see such exciting and imaginative ideas.

Week 1

It’s our last first week back in Year 1! We have started week 1 with a bang, and have had a great time learning all about pirates which is our topic this term. Including making plans for our own pirate stories.

Summer 1

Week 6

For our final week of Summer 1 we did lots of super learning! In art we made and painted our animal masks in the style of Laurel Burch and Picasso. We are now all ready for our final few weeks of Year 1!

Week 5

We had a science drop down day and learnt all about animals! It was great to see all of the children so engaged and ask such super questions! We were able to use our animal knowledge on a zoom call to Farmer John where he showed us his farm and even introduced us to some of his cows.

Week 4

This week we had a mysterious egg delivered to our class. It was blue and sparkly with blue feathers. We are writing letters to Professor Eggton to see if he can tell us what is inside. Some of our guesses have been a baby dragon, dinosaur and a fluffy kitten. We can’t wait to find out what is inside!

Week 3

This week we have been learning all about animals! In DT we have made our bonkers animals and in literacy we have written some jungle animal poems!

Week 2

This week we have been learning all about the song ‘Mars’ by Gustav Holst. We have been learning how to make different movements to different sounds and how parts of the music can be smooth or spiky. We then made our own Mars song and performed it altogether.

Week 1

It was great to see everyone back for our last term of Year 1! We went to Yorkshire Wildlife Park to see lots of different animals for our animal topic! It was very exciting to see giraffes, meerkats, lions and lots of other animals.

Spring 2

Week 6

This week we had our ‘Great Fire of Park Spring’. We lined up all of our houses just like Pudding Lane in 1666 and watched them all catch on fire. It was so exciting!

Week 5

Year 1 went on a trip this week to Pudsey Civic Hall for ‘Little Sing’. It was great to be there with lots of other schools and learn some new songs. We also started our art topic and created some super art work all about The Great Fire of London. It was great to see the children explore with different materials to create their flame pictures.

Week 4

This week was cooking week, Year 1 learnt about the difference between sweet and savoury and made some savoury cheese muffins! They learnt the skill of grating, snipping, mixing and spooning the mixture in the cases. It was super to see all the children try the cheese muffins and even try some muffins with spinach in!

Week 3

We had a very special visitor this week who had come all the way from 1666! Year 1 had the chance to meet Mrs Farriner who was the wife of the baker who started the Great Fire of London. Year 1 were able to ask Mrs Farriner some questions in preparation for our writing this week. We also spend our science lessons learning all about plants!

Week 2

We had a drop down day on Monday and learnt all about The Great Fire of London. It was super to see Year 1 with their history hats on and exploring what caused the Great Fire of London to happen and how it spread. Everyone was super at discussing what was different in 1666 vs 2024. Lots of Year 1 were shocked to find out how much technology has changed!

Week 1

What an exciting first week back we’ve had in Year 1! We had our first numberbots week and it was great to see the children get so excited about our maths learning. Everyday the class had time to go on Numbots in the ICT suite and we saw a record breaking number of certificates in celebration assembly. It was also super on Friday to see everyone’s Numberblock costumes.

Spring 1

Week 5
We have finished our instructions to help out the police in catching a porridge thief  – they are very impressed! The children have also enjoyed exploring different types of music such as folk, baroque and bhangra. We even composed our own tune!

Week 4
Year 1 have been busy exploring different materials and their properties! We carried out experiments to test different materials for their absorbency and waterproofness. We have also explored our key words – transparent and opaque. Year 1 have also been busy writing instructions for the fairy tale police in how to catch a bean thief.

Week 3
What a week Year 1 have had! Our magic beans have been stolen!! Year 1 have been busy as detectives trying to solve the crime – we took finger prints and mug shots, watched CCTV and questioned witnesses and made an evidence board. We have solved the crime and believe the Giant stole them!

Week 2
The children received a special package this week – Jack is going away on holiday until April and has asked us to take care of his magic beans! We have put them somewhere safe and have been checking on them. In R.E. we have been learning all about special places for Christian’s and Muslim’s – they have enjoyed looking at different artefacts and learning about what they do in churches and mosques.

Week 1
We are pleased to hear that the children have had a fantastic Christmas and have settled back into school! We have kickstarted our topic of Fairytales by reading our class reader ‘Goldilocks and just the one bear.’ We have also been writing character descriptions of the Big Bad Wolf! The children have enjoyed accessing the ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ themed home corner too.

Autumn 2

Week 7
This week we have been busy getting ready for Christmas! We have finished off making our pop-up Christmas cards, calendars for the new year and enjoyed a super Christmas party! We want to take the opportunity to wish all the families of year 1 a very Merry Christmas and we hope you enjoy your Christmas break!

Week 6
We are so proud of the children in year 1 for showing confidence with their Christmas performance in front of parents this week! They did amazing! We also started our geography topic this week and went on a local area walk. The children learnt all about human and physical features in the environment and spotted them all around us.

Week 5
We have been working hard to design, plan and create our very own Christmas cards! The children in year 1 have been challenged when making a pop-up design but they didn’t give up! We have also started focussing on numbers up to 20 in maths!

Week 4
This week we have been rehearsing lots for our Christmas play – we can’t wait to share it with you. We also did cooking this week where we made ham and feta wraps – we focused on the skills of cutting with a knife, grating and tearing. We all got to enjoy our delicious treat after!

Week 3
This week we have started reading a new book – ‘Toys in Space’. We talked all about the characters and the setting and can’t wait to write our own ‘Toys in Space’ story. In R.E. we have been learning all about special occasions and how different religions celebrate them!

Week 2
This week, we have had a focus on ‘World Diabetes Day’ where 1B dressed in blue in support of this. One of our children delivered an assembly all about living with diabetes! We have been busy in literacy rewriting the story of ‘Kippers Toybox’ – the children have written some super sentences!

Week 1
The children in year 1 have been doing some excellent learning around shapes! They really enjoyed making patterns with both 2D and 3D shapes. We have also started our new P.E. topic of gymnastics where we learnt how to execute different types of rolls and jumps. Over the next few weeks we will be making our own routines.

Autumn 1

Week 8
This week we have been celebrating ‘Black History Month’! The children took part in a special assembly with boomchickaboom where they learnt all about the history of carnival. Did you know that Leeds Carnival is the longest running in Europe? Our focus was on black role models and we listened to music by black artists too!
We also hosted our annual pumpkin trail – thank you parents for coming along and bringing in some amazing pumpkins! Some children enjoyed dancing some groovy moves at the Hallowe’en disco too!
What a busy week!

Week 7
In History we have been studying shopping and how shopping has changed! The children had a special visitor who answered questions all about shopping in the 60’s. The children were amazed that no plastic bags were used and you had to make your own clothes! We have also been writing our own ‘Oi Year 1 books’ based around ‘Oi Frog’ which are being shared with parents this week – they had some great ideas for rhyming.

Week 6
This week we have been composing some wonderful songs linking to our Hip Hop theme. The children worked really hard to find the pulse and play along to the rhythm. On Tuesday it was World Mental Health Day – Year 1’s discussed and practised different techniques to look after their mental health e.g. deep breathing, mindfulness colouring and yoga.

Week 5
We have finished writing some wonderful Autumn poems this week with a focus on using fantastic adjectives! Year 1 have also been talking about who they care for and how to show care to others within R.E.

Week 4
The children loved taking part in our art drop down day! We produced self-portraits by using junk modelling charcoal, ink and paint! We really enjoyed mixing primary colours to make secondary colours too!

Week 3
This week we have enjoyed tasting different flavour crisps as part of our senses experiment! We used our sense of taste to describe and identify the flavours. We have enjoyed taking part in our P.E. sessions with Leeds Rhinos focusing on movement and balance.

Week 2
In science this week we have started exploring our 5 senses and have explored different experiments. For our sight sense we went on a nature walk around school and drew all the things we could see, then for our hearing sense we all sat on the playground and closed our eyes and listened to all the different sounds we could hear! We can already see lots of budding scientists in Year 1!

Week 1
The children have had a super first week back and have settled into Year 1 so well! This week we have started writing some CVC words and even putting them into sentences. In PSHE we have looked at the different emotions we might be feeling on the first week back at school and even watched a clip from Inside Out to give us some ideas!

Recent News

Puppets for Jesus

Year 1, 2 and 3 had a special assembly today – a puppet assembly, and they told the story of the nativity in a fun and exciting way! The children were a great audience and Read more…

Year 1 Reading Mastermind

The Year 1 children had a go at a reading quiz, answering questions on the books we have focused on as a class over the year. 8 children were selected to compete in the Year Read more…

Year 1 Great Fire of London Outdoor Learning Day!

Last week the Year 1 children enjoyed an outdoor learning day led by ‘Alfresco Learning’. They were challenged to build a wattle wall using sticks, as a team. They then had to use willow to Read more…

Black history

Well done to our Black History Month competition winners and entries! I am incredibly proud of your hard work and enthusiasm in researching your chosen hero and presenting them, AND in your own time. Amazing! Read more…

Summer reading challenge!

The Summer Reading Challenge at Pudsey Library has began, please watch this video to find out more about the challenge. Kate at the library is looking forward to seeing you over the Summer!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPf0dGrYCv4

A message from the author Tom Palmer on World Book Day!