Computing at Park Spring Primary school is taught in three terms out of the year. However online safety is taught both discreetly through computing (in ever term by ever year group) and throughout the year with links to other subject areas such as PSHE.
The computing scheme at Park Spring Primary school is organised into three strands of Computing, which helps children develop their computing knowledge and skills by revisiting and rebuilding on previous learning. The three strands of computing are:
Digital citizenship builds on the Digital Literacy and Citizenship scheme provided by South West Grid for Learning, and delivers a combination of E-Safety and online understanding. This strand of Computing is supported by the PSHE curriculum, and feeds into the school’s overarching Personal Development curriculum.
Algorithms and programming uses a range of resources, including Barefoot, microbits, Lego WeDo and to introduce pupils to computational thinking and logically solving problems.
Media Processing provides a progression to children’s learning when using a computer. The Media Processing KPI’s define what level children should be working at for each year group, and includes the use of Office products, as well as digital media such as videos and images. This element of computing is delivered mainly through cross-curricular teaching, but when taught, is a defined Lesson Objective.
Across computing the children also learn about a computer scientist of the half term to encourage more children into this career specifically girls. The computer scientist are linked across other areas of the curriculum and are discussed in every lesson across the algorithm and programming lozenges.
Lessons incorporate a range of teaching strategies from independent tasks, paired a group work as well as unplugged and digital activities. Lessons are differentiated to ensure that all pupils have access to the lessons and opportunities are used to stretch and challenge pupils.
Outcomes in the computer curriculum allows children to:
The impact of the curriculum is monitored through both formative and summative assessment. Each algorithms and programming unit has a pre and post assessment.