
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’


At Park Spring Primary, we use the ‘BELIEVING AND BELONGING in West Yorkshire: The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Calderdale, Kirklees and Leeds’ as the basis for our curriculum. We believe the 'Believing and Belonging' syllabus offers an engaging and comprehensive framework for teaching about religion and worldviews. It also fosters tolerance, respect, empathy, and kindness within our cohort and local communities. Our approach to teaching Religious Education is structured around key questions, enquiry, and investigation.

Our Religious Education (RE) curriculum is structured around six key pathways:

  1. The Nature of Religion and Belief
  2. Expressing Belief
  3. A Good Life
  4. Personal Journey
  5. Influence and Authority
  6. The Big Picture

In Key Stages 1 and 2, children explore a variety of religions, including Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, Sikhism, Hinduism, and non-religious worldviews. For Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the focus is on Christianity, complemented by other beliefs and cultures relevant to the children’s immediate environment and unique cultural backgrounds. Learning in EYFS centers on key celebrations and is enriched through play and continuous provision.

Our approach avoids assumptions about the religious backgrounds, beliefs, or values of children and staff. We celebrate the diversity of our school community, encouraging individuals to share their experiences freely. All religions and worldviews are approached with respect and sensitivity, fostering meaningful connections between home, school, and faith communities.

We are fortunate to have a strong relationship with St. Mark's Methodist Church and opportunities to visit a synagogue, mosque, and engage with a Sikh visitor. These experiences, along with our study of various religions, enrich our pupils’ education.

Our RE teaching emphasizes open enquiry and firsthand experiences, ensuring a dynamic and inclusive learning environment for both staff and children.


As the six pathways interweave through the KS1 and KS2 curriculum, prior learning is consistently revisited and built upon. Ongoing assessments are used to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching, while formal assessments of children’s progress, learning, and attainment are conducted through marking and observation. These assessments are cross-referenced with the learning objectives and outcomes outlined in the Believing and Belonging scheme of work.

At Park Spring Primary, children enjoy exploring other religions and understanding why individuals choose to follow, or not follow, a religion. Through Religious Education (RE), they make connections between their own lives and the lives of others in their community and the wider world, fostering an appreciation for different cultures and ways of life. In today’s interconnected and dynamic world, RE serves as an essential subject, equipping pupils for the future by preparing them for employment, lifelong learning, and active citizenship.

RE enriches pupils’ spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development by:

  • Encouraging awareness of fundamental questions arising from human experiences and exploring how religious teachings address these questions.
  • Guiding pupils to respond to such questions by examining religious and belief systems, and connecting these teachings to their own understanding and experiences.
  • Promoting self-reflection on their personal beliefs, values, and experiences in light of their studies.

The impact of RE is evident in our pupils’ ability to interact thoughtfully, reflect deeply, engage in meaningful discussions, and form lasting, positive relationships with others.