At Key Stages 1 and 2, PSHE is delivered through a well-structured and comprehensive scheme of work aligned with the National Curriculum. It encompasses the learning opportunities outlined in the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study, ensuring thorough coverage of the statutory Health Education and Relationships Education guidelines. Key areas of focus include Health and Well-Being, Relationships, and Keeping Safe and Managing Risk. PSHE is taught in weekly, timetabled lessons using a spiral, progressive curriculum designed to build on prior learning each year. This approach aims to prepare children for life by helping them understand and appreciate their own identity and how they connect with others in a constantly evolving world. The curriculum emphasises emotional literacy, resilience, and nurturing both mental and physical health. In coordination with the science curriculum, which addresses the physical and biological aspects of puberty, the RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) component of PSHE equips pupils with essential knowledge to navigate the emotional and physical changes of growing up. In Key Stage 1, children explore themes of growth and change, such as the new abilities and opportunities that come with getting older. In Key Stage 2, the focus shifts to understanding and managing the physical and emotional changes of puberty, the evolution of relationships, and the processes of conception and reproduction. By balancing science lessons with RSE in PSHE, pupils gain insights into the social and emotional dimensions of growing up, addressing their broader concerns beyond biological changes. The content studied in KS1 and KS2: PSHE and EYFS: Relevant statements are taken from the Early Learning Goals in the EYFS statutory framework and the Development Matters age ranges, for Three and Four-Year-Olds and Reception, to match the programme of study for relationships and health education in addition to the non-statutory guidance of PSHE. By the time our pupils leave Park Spring, they will: