To get in touch with the Year 6 team, email :
Teacher– Miss Wood
Teaching assistant – Miss Sanches
Teacher– Mrs Jackson and Miss Benson
Teaching assistant– Mr Serrano and Mrs Newnes
Reading records go out every Monday and need to be returned to school the following Monday. Your child must read 5x a week and an adult must date and sign their record for every occasion read.
PE: Monday and Friday (come to school in PE kits)
Spelling test: Friday
Multiplication tables: All times tables but especially the trickier ones – 6,7,8,9,11 and 12 multiplication tables. They will do a pre test on the Monday and a post test on the Friday.
This will be set on a Monday and returned on a Thursday. A further will be set on a Thursday and returned on a Monday.
Spring 1
Week 1
What a start to the half term – it has been lovely to see the children so excited about the snow! It was a strange week last week but the children loved starting their writing topic about Alma. The link for the video is here if you would like to watch it:
Spring 1- Lozenges and books
Our two main focuses of learning this term are Science, Art and Computing.
For our Science topic, we will be learning about ‘why our eyes are so special?’. Here is the lozenge for this topic which shows what the children are learning.
Science Light LozengeIn Art we are learning about ‘what do our eyes say’. Here is the lozenge for this topic which shows what the children are learning.
Art LozengeIn Computing we are learning about ‘how do algorithms work’. Here is the lozenge for this topic which shows what the children are learning.
Y6 Algorithms- microbitsOur class readers this half term are The Viewer by Gary Crew and Rain Player by David Wisniewski.
Our author for this half term is Frank Cottrell Boyce.
Autumn 2
Our two main focuses of learning this term are Science and Geography.
For our Science topic, we will be learning about the evolution. Here is the lozenge for this topic which shows what the children are learning.
Science- Evolution lozengeIn Geography we are learning about the North America. Here is the lozenge for this topic which shows what the children are learning.
Geography- North America lozengeOur class reader this half term is The Explorer by Katherine Rundell.
Our author for this half term is Kate Dicamillo.
Week 1
This week year 6 we completed our Science topic from last term on the Circulatory system. We made spinning information wheels about the main components of the Circulatory System and what their main function was.
Monday was Remembrance day at Park Spring and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves learning about Horace Isle. We also created some lovely collages for Remembrance day.
Friday was Children in Need day and the children in 6B went all out in dressing up in yellow, pink and there were lots of Pudsey bear ears. We had a lovely day and even managed to watch some of the Children in Need videos.
This week the children have really enjoyed writing about WW2 and creating a balanced argument of ‘Should children have been evacuated in WW2?’ The children have come up with some fantastic points ‘for’ and ‘against’ this and even though we are studying Geography this term it has broadened their knowledge of this even further.
In Year 6 we have been studying how do Hindus show commitment through different rites of passages? We looked at the upanayana and got children to imagine that they were going through this right of passage or something similar to think about the promises they would make to themselves for the future. The children loved this lesson and came up with some wonderful ideas.
In Science this week the children learnt about what natural selection is. They learnt what the key features are for a specific animal and how this helps them survive. They chose an animal and an environment and wrote about how this animal will need to adapt to survive in their chosen environment. The children loved this and found it very interesting and a little bit silly. Some of the children even had a go at drawing what the animal would look like.
This afternoon Year 6 had a parent reading event. They played against each other (in teams) to complete a reading event and then went through their recent assessment papers with their learning partners and families. I hope everyone learnt something and the children were happy to see their scores after their hard work.
We ended the term with a bang by presenting our virgin money ideas to the dragons. The dragons (Miss Beverley, Miss Benson and Donna and Abi) were really impressed with all the children’s ideas and gave them some feedback. We were so proud of all the children and they all got a resounding ‘yes!’
Our two main focuses of learning this term are WW2 and the Circulatory System.
For our history topic, we will be learning about the WW2. Here is the lozenge for this topic which shows what the children are learning
In Science we are learning about the Circulatory System. Here is the lozenge for this topic which shows what the children are learning
Y6 Aut 1 Science
Our class reader this half term is Letters From the Lighthouse.
Our author for this half term is Malorie Blackman.
Week 1
The children have had a great start to the week with the residential. Dobroyd castle was great and the children all had a go, even when they were frightened and they supported their classmates during lots of the activities. They soared through the air in the trapeze, completed puzzles to join the knights in their quest, built rafts and canoed and had a huge amount of fun!
Week 2
Today we had a visitor (Judith Rhodes) who came to share the story of her mother, Ursula Michel, with us. Ursula was the daughter of a Jewish father and Protestant mother and when the Nuremburg laws were passed, the whole family, including Ursula’s sister Lilli were in danger. Her parents made the decision to send Ursula on a Kindertransport train to England, knowing they would likely never see their daughter again. Judith shared with us her mother’s journey and brought her mother’s tiny suitcase which accompanied her from Germany to Britain. Ursula wrote to her sister and parents as often as she could, but very sadly they are believed to have perished in a concentration camp in 1942. The children had chance to ask lots and lots of questions which helped to further their knowledge. Thank you as always to Judith for coming to share such a personal story.
Week 3
For the 60th birthday celebrations we made some 1960’s snacks with celery, tuna, mayo, cream cheese and raisins. The children enjoyed this and it was messy business. They especially enjoyed eating them!
For Park Spring’s 60th birthday we dressed up as characters from Mary Poppins. Here are some of our outfits.
Week 4
This week the children in Year 6 have done some AMAZING art work looking at some WW2 artists. They research Eric Kennington, Lillian Yonally, John Piper and Victor Lundy. Here are some examples of our learning.
Week 5
Today we made diagrams of the heart out of plasticine. The children loved moulding the red and blue in to the chambers of the heart and showed the ventricles and veins. Here are some of our models.
Week 6
This week in Year 6 we have been completing our WW2 poems and writing them up in our best handwriting. Hopefully you will get to see them at our reading event in a few weeks time.
Week 7
This week Year 6 have been on an amazing trip to Eden camp to end their WW2 topic. They loved going in the huts and reading the information as well as seeing the vehicles outside. The children had an great time as you can see from the pictures.
The children also ended their WW2 artists topic by creating tin foil models inspired by Henry Moore. They produced some amazing sculptures and will hopefully be bringing them home this week.
Week 8
The final day of the term (in the afternoon) we had a celebration event for parents where they did an escape room based on WW2. Lots of the parents had so much fun! It was a chance for the children to show their learning to their parents too. We also had tea and scones (with jam and butter).
Mr Singh came to visit Y6 and discuss their new topic all about Sikhism in RE. He discussed some of the core values of Sikhism and shared the 5 Ks of the religion. The children Read more…
This week some of the children in Year 6 have been lucky enough to complete their level 1 and some their level 2 for bike ability. Children that have not completed it (but signed up) Read more…
We had a very special visitor this week; Amanda Harper from Look North. We got to hear about her job, hold a camera and microphone, look at Look North scripts and tell her about the Read more…
The children made roast potato wedges to celebrate the end of SATS. We have sent a recipe home in case they want to make them.
Today we had a lady from West End Theatre to do a Jungle Book dance workshop. The children performed the story of Jungle book and had so much fun doing it!
A special visitor came to speak to all of the Year 6s this week. John Hussey, the great-nephew to Leonard Hussey, came to talk about the Endurance expedition which ended in catastrophic failure. He shared Read more…