
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

To get in touch with the Year 3 team, email:



Teacher– Miss Hartley

Teaching assistant– Miss Hirst


Teacher– Miss Wright

Teaching assistant – Mrs Turner



Important dates

Home Learning: Sent home on a Monday to be completed by the following Monday

Reading records: Hand in on Mondays

PE: Tuesday and Thursday

Spelling test: Friday

Multiplication tables: 2, 5, 10 and 3s this term


Useful links

TT Rockstars

Hit the Button (Multiplication game)


Reading Eggs



Home Learning:

Sent home weekly on a Monday to be handed in the following Monday. A mix of reading comprehension, spelling practice and maths fluency questions.

What are we learning about this year?

Year Group 3 Curriculum Maps (LTP and topic themes)


Autumn 1 2023

Here are our Knowledge Organisers for Autumn 1:

For our History topic, we are learning about The Stone Age. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic:

For our Art topic, we are learning about who were the first artists. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic:

For our  Geography topic, we are learning about the countries in Europe. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic:

Our author of the half term is Roald Dahl

We are reading Stone Age Boy

Week 1:

This week we were lucky enough to visit Nell Bank outdoor activity learning centre on our 2nd day in Y3. We completed lots of team building activities and had lots of fun.

Week 2:

We enjoyed learning about place value in maths this week and have started studying our class reader ‘Stone Age Boy’ in English and reading lessons.

Week 3:

This week it was aspirations week. We had visits from all kinds of successful people – some of whom used to attend Park Spring!

Week 4:

We loved  our drumming lessons with Mr G.

Week 5:

On Friday this week we had an amazing time for Stone Age day. We ate Stone Age food, created woolly mammoths and people and had lots of fun creating dramatic sequences. It was a great day.

Week 6:

This week we have enjoyed completing Stone Age art.

Week 7:

This week we have been looking at Stone Age artefacts in history and working like archaeologists to work out what they might tell us about life in the Stone Age.

Autumn 2 2023

This half term we are answering the learning question can I be a real rock detective?

Week 1

This week we rocked out with TTRS. We had class competitions and even dressed up as rock stars for the day!


Week 2

On Friday this week we helped raise money for Children in need by dressing up in spotty or yellow clothing. We also learned about remembrance and why it is an important day.

Week 3

This week we  made a cucumber raita dip. We worked hard to slice the cucumber thinly using the claw method.

Week 4

We are looking forward to our drumming performance next week and are practicing with Mr G to get ready.

Summer 2 2023

This half term we are finding out what it was like to live 10,000 years ago! We will be delving into life in the Stone Age, using artefacts and historical sources and learning about the changes brought on by the Bronze and Iron ages.

For our Science topic, we are learning about plants. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Science KO

For our  Art topic, we are learning about who the first artists were. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: DT KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about drugs, tobacco and alcohol. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: PSHE KO

Summer 2 2023:


Our Class Reader is :

Hardback cover of Flowers

Author of the half term is Enid Blyton: 

The Magic Faraway Tree Collection

Week 1 and 2

In Science we are enjoying learning about the parts of a plant and have been fascinated by some amazing flower facts in our class reader. We have also had a visit from D-Side Dave who told us all about smoking and the effects it has on the body.

Summer 1 2023


Here are our Knowledge Organisers for Summer 1:

KO Year 3 Forces HT 5 Y3 Ancient Egyptians Year 3 Cooking mini pancakes Knowledge Organiser Yr3 KO Egyptian Art

Our class reader this half term is:

Summer 1 2023

Week 3

This week we have been learning about capacity in Maths and have been practising reading scales. We also really enjoyed taking part in our Coronation Day Activities. It was great to have all our parents enjoying the picnic with us. Check out our amazing crowns….

Week 1 and 2

What a busy 2 weeks! The children have been really enjoying learning about our new topic the Egyptians. We were shocked to discover that we had had a visit from an uninvited guest……. He made quite a mess of our classrooms.

Can you guess who came? Look at our clues……..

Year 3 are on the case.. Check back to the website for our newspaper reports for the latest update.

Spring 2 2023

Here are our Knowledge Organisers for Spring 2:

For our Science topic, we are learning about light. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Science KO

For our art topic, we are learning about architecture and printing. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Art KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about looking after our mental health. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: PSHE KO

For our DT topic, we are learning about how different fold mechanisms. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: DT KO

Our class reader this half term is Bill’s New Frock by Anne Fine.

Week 5

This week in science we have been learning about how shadows are made. We tested different objects to see how the shape and size of the shadow differs depending on if the object is transparent, translucent or opaque.

Week 4

This week we have been printing artists! We created a printing block based on shapes seen in Leeds architecture and used it to create patterns. The children had lots of fun and thought hard about how to create interesting patterns.

Week 3

This week we have been researching ‘V fold’ and ‘Internal stand’ mechanisms in DT. We will be using them to make Mother’s Day cards.

Week 1

We got stuck into our class reader this week, reading all of chapter 1 and some of chapter 2! We spoke about how Bill would be feeling, waking up as a girl, and going to school with everything different. Some children put themselves in the ‘hot seat’, pretending to be Bill as others in the class asked them questions!

Spring 1 2023

Here are our Knowledge Organisers for Spring 1:

For our Science topic, we are learning about what is inside our body. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Science KO

For our geography topic, we are learning about which is better: Leeds or Blackpool? Geography KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about bullying and managing our behaviour. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: PSHE KO

For our RE topic, we are learning about how Jews remember God’s covenant with Abraham and Moses. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: RE KO

For our music topic, we are learning about improvisation in reggae music. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Music KO

Our class reader this half term is Please Mrs. Butler by Allan Ahlberg – an anthology of poems all about school.

Week 5

This week we had a science day! Our topic question is ‘What if my body was empty?”. We  learnt about what we need to survive: we went outside to build shelters, and the children tried some ration pack food, which some loved and some did not…

Week 4

This week we were lucky enough to visit a Synagogue! As we have been learning about the Jewish faith, we had lots of knowledge to share and learnt lots more whilst we were there!

Week 2

This week we hosted a poetry reading to some of our parents! The children had been practising hard and were very excited to share their performances. We worked on tone, volume and expression to make them the best performance we could!

Week 1

The children were all pleased to be back after a lovely Christmas break.

This week we have been enjoying our new class reader Please Mrs. Butler. We have been busy reading and performing some of the poems in class. We can’t wait to share them with you on Friday morning next week!

Autumn 2 2022

Week 7

Year 3 showcased their amazing drumming skills this afternoon in a concert for their parents and carers. The children demonstrated great rhythmic awareness and even played two rhythms at once! Everyone was very impressed.

We also had parents in to read our stories based on our class reader ‘Stone Age Boy’.

Week 6

On Tuesday, Year 3 children were lucky enough to visit the Leeds Playhouse Theatre to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – the musical. Roald Dahl is our Author of the half term and we have been reading the book, so it was the perfect opportunity! The children were amazed by the effects, music and acting, and we even saw a few of them boogying in their seats! What an amazing experience!

Week 3

This week we have been reporting on the mysterious cave painting that appeared on the side of our garage! Who put it there? When did it happen? What was it of? Where was it? These are the questions we have been answering in our newspaper reports.

Week 2

To follow on from our science topic about rocks and fossils, we went to Robin  Hood’s Bay! The children had a great time rock pooling and discovering fossils!

Week 1

This week we have been learning about regrouping in maths. It was tricky but we persevered!


Autumn 1 2022

Here are our Knowledge Organisers for Autumn 1:

For our Science topic, we are learning about rocks, soils and fossils. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Science KO

For our Design and Technology topic, we are learning about 3d design. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: DT KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about social identity. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: PSHE KO

For our RE topic, we are learning about what Christians believe about a good life. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: RE KO

For our Geography topic, we are learning about France. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Geography KO

Week  7

What a busy week this has been! We have been creating 3d models on a digital sketching program called 3d slash. https://www.3dslash.net/index.php We have been looking at the differences between sketching and using a digital graphics program. On the whole, we decided that doing it on a computer was easier! We also had a lovely parent event – we read the Firework Maker’s Daughter with the children and made beautiful firework boxes.

Week  6

It was the sleepover this week! The children enjoyed making their own pizza, playing games and watching a movie. Then they slept in their classrooms and had great fun!

Week  5

Year 3 enjoyed a French Day on Friday. The children had a great time learning all about France. They used an atlas to find it on a map. The children learned lots of facts about France. Did you know they eat snails? We all preferred to eat the delicious croissants and pain au chocolat!! We have been enjoying learning to speak French. The children can now say ” Bonjour! Comment cava? Je m’appelle ……..”    Miss. Horton says ” Tres bien les enfants!” We even learned some french songs!!

Week 4

We are enjoying our Science topic – Rocks and Fossils. We investigated different types of rock and learnt some tricky new words…… Do you know what a sedimentary rock is? Where do igneous rocks come from? Do you know how a fossil is formed? Ask Year 3 – we know!

Summer 2 2022

Here are our Knowledge Organisers for Summer 2:

For our Science topic, we are learning about plants. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Science KO

For our Design and Technology topic, we are learning how to make a vehicle with an axle. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: DT KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about drugs, tobacco and alcohol. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: PSHE KO

Week 5

We finished our cars this week and ‘road tested’ them on the playground! Some went flying!

Week 4

This week we have been creating cars in DT! We researched different types of axel and then designed our own. We used junior hacksaws to cut the dowel to size and made chassis on which to attach our body. The children had great fun and can’t wait to show you the finished product!

Week 3

This week we set up a science experiment! We were testing how long it takes a stem (celery!) to absorb and transport water. We might have even had some left over as a tasty snack!

Week 2

This week we created our own ‘Magic Faraway Tree’ based on a book by Enid Blyton. This was done as a hook into our writing lessons where we will be writing our own Faraway Tree story!


Week 1

What a great start to the new term celebrating Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee! Thank you so much to everyone at home for working hard on costumes, cakes, flags and food, and for coming in to celebrate with the children – we had a great day!!

Summer 1 2022

Here are our Knowledge Organisers for Summer 1:

For our Science topic, we are learning about forces. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic:

For our Art topic, we are learning about Egyptian Art. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Art KO 

For our Design and Technology topic, we are learning how to draw graphic designs on a computer. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: DT KO

For our History topic, we are learning about the Ancient Egyptians. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: History KO

For our Cooking topic, we are learning how to make mini pancakes. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Cooking KO

Week 6

We have been cooking this week! We made delicious pancakes, topped with blueberries and mascarpone. The children cracked eggs and used whisks to mix the batter. We are not sure some of the children enjoyed the mascarpone though…

Week 5

This week, we have been putting the finishing touches to our Egyptian portraits. We researched a range of Egyptian head dresses and designed our own!

Week 4

Well, what an exciting trip to Ledston Hall! The children built dens, walked in nature, held snakes and tarantulas, raced ferrets, learnt about carnivores and made dragonflies!! We had a lovely picnic lunch in the sun and the children loved being outdoors! It was nice to see them getting stuck in and being really interested in our world around us.

Week 3

This week, we took a trip to the Bagshaw Museum to look at their Egyptian exhibit! We learnt how to mummify a body, drew a cartouche, became archaeologists and dug up artefacts and walked around a darkened, spooky room with a tomb! We learnt loads and had lots of fun!

Week 2

This week, we introduced our DT topic. We are using a website called ‘3d Slash’ which can be found here: https://www.3dslash.net/index.php

In our first lesson, the children were free to make and create whatever they wanted, getting used to the tools and controls. We were very impressed, and can’t wait to see the final product at the end of half term!

Week 1

In our first week back, we had fun using the fraction pieces in our maths lessons. We were investigating how many parts make a whole.

Spring 2 2022

Here are our Knowledge Organisers for Spring 2:

For our Science topic, we are learning about light and dark. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Science KO

For our Art topic, we are learning about architecture. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Art KO 

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about our mental health. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: PSHE KO

For our Design and Technology topic, we are learning how to cook cucumber raita. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: DT KO

For our music topic, we are learning how to compose music with repetition. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Music KO

Week 5

This week we investigated which materials would be best to make sunglasses! We tried bubble wrap, tracing paper, tissue paper and other materials but the children unanimously decided that the black cellophane material was the most suitable!

Week 4

This week we had a whole day of DT (Design & Technology). Firstly, we researched existing ideas about pop up cards. Then we designed our own after practising 2 variations of pop up design: a V fold and an internal fold mechanism. The children really enjoyed making them and got to practise lots of skills in order to make a successful end product. We hope you like them!

Week 3

In science this week we have been learning about shadows. We know that shadows are formed when a light source is blocked by an opaque object. We experimented with different objects and recorded the shadow they made.

Week 2

In maths this week we have been learning how to use rulers, metre sticks and tape measures. We have been learning the different units of measurement (mm, cm and m) and which one is most suitable to use for what we are measuring. The children have been measuring objects in our classrooms!

Week 1

This week on Thursday we had World Book Day! We drew our favourite book characters, made potato characters, decorated our own versions of ‘Bill’s New Frock’ (our class reader) and made ourselves and a ‘Where’s Wally’ character! The children had lots of fun and got very creative.

Spring 1 2022

Here are our Knowledge Organisers for Spring 1:

For our Science topic, we are learning about our bodies. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Science KO

For our Geography topic, we are learning about Leeds and Liverpool. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Geography KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about our keeping safe and managing behaviour. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: PSHE KO

For our Cooking topic, we are learning how to cook cucumber raita. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic: Cooking KO

Week 7

We had a BRILLIANT trip to the Synagogue this week. The children were impeccably behaved, and showed respect by listening well and asking lots of questions. We learnt that the Torah scroll is made from animal skin and is 30m long, the boys had to wear a kippah skull caps and the children were really good at spotting over 100 Star of David symbols around the Synagogue. They were also amazed at the beautiful stained glass windows which were around 200 years old!


Week 6

In French this week, we have been learning rhymes! We also took the opportunity to practise our vocabulary by giving ourselves a French makeover!

Week 5

We have been working our muscles this week! In science, we have been learning how our muscles help us to move, and putting them to the test! We did a number of exercises and then marked on a diagram where we felt our muscles working.

Week 4

In science this week, the children have been learning about vertebrates. We discovered that vertebrates are animals that have a backbone. After studying the skeletons of some animals, we created our own vertebrates! Thinking about how they would move and how they would need to escape predators.

The children have also been enjoying their PE lessons with our Leeds United PE coach, Miss Proud, on a Tuesday afternoon!

Week 3

In geography this week, we added to our prior knowledge of the four compass points (North, South, East and West). We learnt North East, North West, South East and South West and used them to read a basic map.  The children enjoyed using compasses in the playground too!

Week 2

This week we introduced our science topic of ‘What if my body was empty?’ by discovering the main things humans and animals need to survive. We made shelters, fire for warmth and tried some basic survival foods. The children (and teachers!) were particularly impressed with the self cooking chicken curry!

Week 1

This week we introduced the children to our class reader and they absolutely loved it! It is a book of poems about being at school called ‘Please Mrs Butler’ by Allan Ahlberg.

Autumn 2 2021

Week 6

This week we have been multiplying and dividing by 3 in maths, and showing this in a variety of ways including arrays, grouping, sharing and with the bar model.


In RE, we have been learning about the Mool Mantra and how the Muslim faith have the 99 names of Allah. For example:

5 السَّلاَمُ AS-SALAM The embodiment of Peace
6 الْمُؤْمِنُ AL-MU’MIN The Infuser of Faith

The children then had a go at their own calligraphy!


Week  5

This week we started thinking about how to write a newspaper article about a mystery Stone Age cave painting that appeared on the side of our garage! We pretended to be news reporters to feel what it would be like to really report the news!

Week 4

This week we put our learning about the Stone Age to the test by creating some Stone Age art! We studied various examples and practised making shades of brown before having a go at our very own.

Week 3

This week was a week to reflect and learn about anti-bullying. We wore odd socks on Monday and also designed our own to highlight the importance of celebrating our differences.

We loved creating our own code in our computing lesson. Here is the website if you want to try at home too!


Friday was Children in Need day where we could wear yellow to raise money! Thank you for all your donations, it really is a great cause.

Who sings on BBC Children In Need 2019 album? Olivia Colman and more revealed - Mirror Online


This half term we are finding out what it was like to live 10,000 years ago! We will be delving into life in the Stone Age, using artefacts and historical sources and learning about the changes brought on by the Bronze and Iron ages.

Star Carr Archaeological Artefacts Illustrations | Savannah Storm IllustrationSkara Brae - World History Encyclopedia


Our class reader this half term is Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo.

Kensuke's Kingdom (Egmont Modern Classics) : Morpurgo, Michael: Amazon.co.uk: Books

Here are the Knowledge Organisers for this half term:


We also look forward to our bringing back our annual school sleepover!

Autumn 1 2021

This half term we are learning about Europe, concentrating on facts about France!

Map of Europe - Learn Childrens Wall Chart Educational A3 (30cm x 42cm) Countries in EU Childs Poster Art Print WallChart : Amazon.co.uk: Stationery & Office Supplies Paris City Guide: 23 Places Every Architect Must Visit | ArchDaily

In science, we are learning about the different types of rock and their properties. We look forward to our trip to Robin Hood’s Bay to investigate rocks in their natural environment. We will post photos to show you what we got up to!


Our class reader this half term is ‘The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ by Phillip Pullman.

Recent News

Puppets for Jesus

Year 1, 2 and 3 had a special assembly today – a puppet assembly, and they told the story of the nativity in a fun and exciting way! The children were a great audience and Read more…

Year 3 Drumming

Year 3 showcased their amazing drumming skills this afternoon in a concert for their parents and carers. The children demonstrated great rhythmic awareness and even played two rhythms at once! Everyone was very impressed.

Y3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory trip!

On Tuesday, Year 3 children were lucky enough to visit the Leeds Playhouse Theatre to watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – the musical. Roald Dahl is our Author of the half term and we Read more…

Pantomime- Sleeping Beauty

Years 3,4,5 an 6 were so lucky to go see Sleeping Beauty yesterday at the Alhambra Theatre in Bradford. The children really enjoyed the show, and smiled and laughed lots. We are very grateful for Read more…

Black history

Well done to our Black History Month competition winners and entries! I am incredibly proud of your hard work and enthusiasm in researching your chosen hero and presenting them, AND in your own time. Amazing! Read more…

Summer reading challenge!

The Summer Reading Challenge at Pudsey Library has began, please watch this video to find out more about the challenge. Kate at the library is looking forward to seeing you over the Summer!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPf0dGrYCv4