Sports Day 2021
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
PE days
As mentioned in the information sent out already, we are asking children to come into school in their PE kits on the days that they have PE lessons.
There are PE lessons 2 days a week.
Reception Thursday (1 lesson as we have lots of outdoor and active time)
Year 1 Wednesday and Friday
Year 2 Monday and Wednesday
Year 3 Wednesday and Friday
Year 4 Tuesday and Thursday (Swimming on a Thursday!)
Year 5 Tuesday and Wednesday
Year 6 Monday (2 lessons in the afternoon)
On these days children should come into school in their full, school PE kit. As we will be doing all our PE lessons outdoors, including on the field, please ensure that the kit is suitable for the weather i.e. a tracksuit of it is cold.
PE kit is;
· Round necked white plain t-shirt
· Plain black or navy shorts
· Plain black or navy tracksuit (tracksuit bottoms and jumper)
· Trainers and socks (preferably plain black)
If your child wears any other colours or styles then a message will be sent home and they will be expected to come in correct school kit on the next PE day.
If you have any issues with purchasing PE kit or any other queries then please do not hesitate to contact
We are lucky enough to be a member of the West Leeds School Sports Partnership. On their website check out the Club Links section for ideas of activities to enjoy out of school to keep active. Also, follow their twitter feed @WestLeedsSSP for further information!
Mrs Holmes, who used to work at Park Spring, runs her own dance company. They are offering free live dance challenges and you can also sign up to lessons in all types of dance that you can do at home! Search for Eleveight Dance Leeds on Facebook or go to their website
Keeeeep dancing!
Our partners at Leeds Rhinos Foundation are making videos with ideas for activities to try at home. Give them a try and keep active!
They can all be found on YouTube and on Facebook on the Leeds Rhinos Foundation pages under #ActiveRhinos Schools Challenges.
Here is the first one to start you off but there are over 20!
Leeds Rhinos Foundation – Challenge 1! – KS1 Goal Ball Game with Dane Weatherill – KS2 Volleyball game with Dane Weatherill
They are asking for any photographs and clips that you might take so that they can showcase them on their website. If you want to send one in then send it to Mrs F at and she will forward them on to the Foundation!
They have also offered their help in the community. Here is Sam Jackson delivering food to our families on behalf of the school;
Keeping Active at home!
We all know the importance of keeping children active at school and at home. It will help them to stay physically and mentally healthy, as well as focused and ready to learn. Here are some websites that might help as well as some suggestions for activities.
The just for fun collection are a great way of keeping active indoors and lots of fun! (Just for Fun: The Vamps Level One and Two is Mrs F’s favourite).
For KS1 and KS2 there are active Maths, English, PSHE and MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) lessons that are easy to follow in addition to the learning provided by school. In KS2 there are also active Science lessons.
Washing Your Hands – An active video about washing your hands
Quick Blasts for 4 to 7 years/ 7 to 11 years – 2 minute active videos that are suitable for indoors.
Search ‘The Body Coach’ on YouTube.
There are lots of kids workouts on YouTube but the Body Coach (Joe Wicks) is doing a half an hour PE lesson (mini workout) every morning at 9.00am. Mrs F has been doing these and they are hard work but are a really positive start to the day and will wake up your brain ready for learning! He also has a specific Kids Workouts to do at Home section with 5 minute and 8 minute workouts which are easy and effective.
Search ‘Just Dance’ on YouTube.
There are lots of dances that you can follow without the game. Mrs F would recommend;
If you go to the WATCH the episodes tab at the top of the homepage it will take you to yoga videos of different types and lengths. You can watch and follow these on YouTube.
The Youth Sport Trust is also compiling a list of free home learning resources to aid learning at home;
There are also many activities that you can do to keep active without a screen!
If you have equipment, get out in the garden and use it;
Even with no equipment there is plenty that you can do;
Let us know if you have any other ideas and send us some photos of you all keeping active to;
PE is a huge part of school life at Park Spring.
Physical education develops children’s physical competence, confidence and skills, as well as their knowledge and understanding, in athletics, dance, games, gymnastics, outdoor adventurous activities and swimming. It provides opportunities for developing independence, team work and leadership skills, and helps to promote positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles.
All children are expected to take part in the full range of activities appropriate to their age and ability regardless of gender, race and faith. We aim to provide two hours of quality physical education per week for our children with opportunities for extra-curricular P.E. and sport activities.
Foundation Stage
Physical education in the foundation stage should enable children to develop and achieve in line with the early learning goals outlined in the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile. These principles should form the basis from which physical education is developed in the later key stages.
Key Stage 1 and 2
Physical education in key stages 1 and 2 should aim to ensure that all children:
Swimming will be taught to children during Year 4