To get in touch with the Year 2 team, email :
Teacher– Miss Horton
Teacher– Miss Smith
Miss Starbuck, Miss Patel, Miss Waller & Ms Eden
Home Learning: Home learning is set on a Monday: please use your login in details to go on Lexia, Reading Eggs, Time table Rockstars/Numbots.
Weekly spellings will be sent out on a Monday and there will be a test on the following Monday.
Reading records: We expect children to be reading at home three times each week.
Your child will bring a levelled reading book home every Monday and this should be returned to school on the following Monday. They will also bring home a book from the school library to share and enjoy with you.
The reading record will be checked by your child’s class teacher to ensure your child is reading three times a week at home.
Your child will be provided with a plastic book bag to transport their book in.
PE: Tuesdays and Thursdays
Roll up and read will take place on Wednesday afternoons at 3pm. We look forward to seeing you!
Click the LINK!
Autumn 2:
Our Class Reader for Autumn 2 is:
Katie Morag and the Tiresome Ted
Our Author of the half term is Mini Grey
For our Geography topic we are learning about ‘Would you like to live on an Island?’ Here is our Lozenge for this topic which shows what the children are learning
Geography KOWeek 3:
This week for our class assembly we have learnt about the Police and what they do in our community to help us. Check out some posters that we made!
Week 2:
This week on Monday we had a drop down day to learn about Remembrance Day. We looked at what the soldiers used to do to keep themselves entertained during WW1. We learnt that they passed the time telling jokes, singing and playing games such as wheelbarrow races and football.
We made a poster, made our own poppy and even had a wheelbarrow race!
Week 1:
This week in MindMate we have learnt about what we are good at and what we are trying to be better at, we first recognised what our friends are good at then we made a certificate recognising our own strengths.
Autumn 1:
This term our focus is all about Super heroes!
Our Class Readers for Autumn 1 are:
Our author of the half term is Anthony Browne
For our Science topic we are learning about ‘What makes a superhero?’ Here is our Lozenge for this topic which shows what the children are learning
Science Lozenge A1Week 1:
This week we have enjoyed settling into our new classes. We have learnt that this term our learning theme will be all about Super Heroes! We made our own masks and designed our own Superhero.
We also revisited The Zones of Regulation and what unexpected and unexpected behaviour looks like in Park Spring. We made some posters which you can check below!
Week 2:
This week we have learnt all about the 5 food groups and how to make sure our diet is healthy and balanced. Check out our food plates!
Week 3:
This week in Science we looked at how and why exercise is so important for our bodies. We completed some 1 minute exercises and looked at the affects this had on our bodies. We all agreed we felt warm, sweaty and full of energy after a little bit of exercise!
We also made ‘Ants on a log’ a traditional 1960s appetiser on our 1960s drop down day to celebrate Park Springs 60th birthday!
We also listened to records from the 1960s on a record player!
Week 4:
We have been learning all about Supertato in writing and had so much fun today making our own Supertato’s.
In Science we investigated how germs can spread. We tested how best to clean our hands by using cold water, warm water and warm soapy water. We found out that warm soapy water was the best for cleaning hands and getting rid of germs.
This week we are had an art drop down day learning all about Pop art. We evaluated some artists work and explored the primary colours.
Week 5:
This week we voted for our classes school councillor. We learnt about the word democracy and all enjoyed voting for the class member we think will make a great representative.
Week 6:
On Friday last week we started our egg shell experiment to see what would happen to the egg shells after being left in different liquids for 3 days. We used the egg shells as a comparison to our teeth. We predicted what liquid would have no change on the egg shell and were not surprised to find that water had no change. We all concluded that water is the best thing to drink for our teeth.
Week 7:
This week we were very lucky to have a Commando Joe’s training session. We had to work together to transport ‘oats’ to the 3 little bears house. We had lots of fun.
Week 8:
This week we are learning all about Arthur France and how he brought Carnival to Leeds. We had a work shop in the morning and learnt about West Indian carnival dance and music.
Year 1, 2 and 3 had a special assembly today – a puppet assembly, and they told the story of the nativity in a fun and exciting way! The children were a great audience and Read more…
Well done to our Black History Month competition winners and entries! I am incredibly proud of your hard work and enthusiasm in researching your chosen hero and presenting them, AND in your own time. Amazing! Read more…
The Summer Reading Challenge at Pudsey Library has began, please watch this video to find out more about the challenge. Kate at the library is looking forward to seeing you over the Summer!
Year 2 have really enjoyed learning about how to keep themselves safe. Today they went out and practised using the Zebra Crossing and Tiger Crossings outside school. They were all very sensible and remembered the Read more…
We have had a great day today, all linked to reading! We had a great assembly with a whole school story – We’re Going on a Book Hunt! Mr Barker, Mrs Gunning and Mrs Digby Read more…