
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Puppets for Jesus

Year 1, 2 and 3 had a special assembly today – a puppet assembly, and they told the story of the nativity in a fun and exciting way! The children were a great audience and had a lovely time. Thank you very much to the visitors who made this such a great Christmas experience.

The Year 1 children had a go at a reading quiz, answering questions on the books we have focused on as a class over the year. 8 children were selected to compete in the Year 1 Reading Mastermind final and were asked to chose their own specialist book. Today they were very brave and sat in front of their year group to the answer questions, with some very dramatic mastermind music playing. All the children who competed were given a copy of ‘Simon Sock’ as a prize, well done! Joshua is through to the ‘Champion of champions’ stage next week!

Last week the Year 1 children enjoyed an outdoor learning day led by ‘Alfresco Learning’. They were challenged to build a wattle wall using sticks, as a team. They then had to use willow to weave through the wall to strengthen it. Next it was time to get mucky and add the daub. The daub was made up of soil, straw and water and was used to fill the holes and make the structure stronger and windproof. Later the children made links to their Science knowledge, looking at materials and sorting them by their properties e.g. waterproof, flexible etc. The next challenge was to create a bakery using only two materials, again Year 1 showed great team work to discuss ideas and build together. Then it was time to test their structures, each child sprayed water at the bakery to check if Thomas Farriner stayed dry who was hiding inside, most teams were successful!


Well done to our Black History Month competition winners and entries! I am incredibly proud of your hard work and enthusiasm in researching your chosen hero and presenting them, AND in your own time. Amazing!
A big well done to Lawson and Bobby (not pictured).
Miss Horner
The Summer Reading Challenge at Pudsey Library has began, please watch this video to find out more about the challenge. Kate at the library is looking forward to seeing you over the Summer!

Leeds Rhinos good luck 6a

Leeds rhinos good luck 6B

Leeds Rhinos good luck year 1

Miss Carey and Mrs Smith have sent the Year 1 children some links to their ‘Favourite 5’ stories for this half term with a few activities for the children to complete. Joel and Steven responded straight away to share their favourite 5 stories and even completed some of the tasks that we had set. What are your Favourite 5?


So far Whizzy from year 1 has set the children two challenges. Challenge 1 was to create a crazy hair character, focusing on drawing straight lines and scissor skills.  Challenge 2 was to make a library role play area and write a book review. Here are some of the entries we have had sent through on email from Stanley, Summer, Iga, Eliza, Ava, George and Dylan. More Whizzy challenges to follow, keep checking for emails from the year 1 team for updates.


Year 1 visited the big book swap in the hall as a class and enjoyed reading with our friends.

The 1a teacher and 1b teacher were chosen in the sorting hat assembly to swap classes for a story.

We changed our library books and enjoyed reading them together.

We created art work based on the fiery sky line photos we had looked at in our non fiction library service books about ‘The Great Fire of London’.