
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Park Spring Pantry

Park Spring Pantry
Lots of fresh food available at the Park Spring Pantry every Tuesday from 3:10.
Thoughtful donations for the food go towards paying for classroom breakfast baguettes each day.
The Park Spring Pantry is a social enterprise set up and run by the School Food Ambassadors. This means their business supports the school community, reduces surplus food waste and helps the environment by stopping all the delicious food going to landfill. They have also learnt how to set up and manage a business.
The team are as follows:
Marketing Managers – Madison and Ronnie
Manager – Katie
Assistant Manager – Sophia
Accountant – Mikey
Logistics Manager – Hazel
Park Spring Pantry – Eating Together, Inspired Forever

Our bubble has been busy learning about the day of the dead – the festival known as Dia De Los Muertos. We’ve written an information text about it, learning as much as we could from videos, websites and stories.

Then we made clay skulls! When these are dry we’ll paint them.

They’ve done some brilliant learning this week and I’m so proud of them for how they’ve come back into school with a positive, cheerful attitude!


On Friday, Year 6 had a visit from Emily who works at the Discovery Center in Leeds. We looked at and discussed Stone Age artefacts; the children loved holding them. We excavated some artefacts from a sand tray using paintbrushes. Then finally we looked at a skeleton and the artefacts around it to decide whether this person was rich or poor and what occupation they might have had.

Year 6 have sent their WW2 Blitz poems off to Eden camp today! Hopefully they will be placed on display. We eagerly await a response.

On Wednesday 25th September, we were incredibly lucky to be visited by Judith Rhodes who came to share the story of her mother, Ursula Michel, with us. Ursula was the daughter of a Jewish father and Protestant mother and when the Nuremburg laws were passed, the whole family, including Ursula’s sister Lilli were in danger. Her parents made the decision to send Ursula on a Kindertransport train to England, knowing they would likely never see their daughter again. Judith shared with us her mother’s journey and brought her mother’s tiny suitcase which accompanied her from Germany to Britain. Ursula wrote to her sister and parents as often as she could, but very sadly they are believed to have perished in a concentration camp in 1942. The children had chance to ask lots and lots of questions which helped to further their knowledge. Thank you as always to Judith for coming to share such a personal story.

Year 6 have been super busy lately and we wanted to let you know about some of the interesting things that we have done.

We have introduced out Mayan’s topic, where we made a monument from the Mayan’s era out of sugar cubes.

We also took part in the pancake day obstacle course and ate some yummy pancakes.

We created some amazing art work on World Book Day linked to Shakleton’s journey.

Finally, in Science we have been learning about circuits and trying to make simple and complex circuits.


This Week

KS2 Assessments
May 13 – May 17 all-day
Reception and Year 6 Photographs
May 21 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Spring Bank Holiday
May 27 all-day
Summer Half Term – School Closed
May 27 – May 31 all-day

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