Information from the inclusion manager on mental well being
Dear parent/carer,
We are very aware that this period of lock down and uncertainty concerning Coronavirus is putting a lot of pressure on parents/carers, and in some cases this can feel overwhelming and have a detrimental effect on mental well being.
We are able to offer you access to a free and anonymous digital treatment system called Silvercloud Health which provides access to online support for parents and carers during the current situation.
The site has been designed by clinical experts with the aim of empowering you to think and feel better. The website includes programmes that are tailored to your needs. It contains easy to use content and interactive tools.
The online space is secure and anonymous. No identifying details are required apart from a contact e-mail address.
To access the site go to and enter the code ‘north’ when prompted.
Best wishes
Mrs L Chapman
Inclusion Manager
PSHE and SEMH Parent Resources
Coronavirus: How to keep children healthy, happy, learning and entertained at home