
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!

To get in touch with the Year 6 team, email : year6@parkspringprimary.co.uk


Teacher– Miss Bacchus

Teaching assistant – Miss Isabela Robinson


Teacher– Mrs Jackson

Teaching assistant– Miss Owen

Important dates

Reading records go out every Monday and need to be returned to school the following Monday. Your child must read 5x a week and an adult must date and sign their record for every occasion read.

PE: Monday and Friday (come to school in PE kits)

Spelling test: Friday

Multiplication tables: All times tables but especially the trickier ones – 6,7,8,9,11 and 12 multiplication tables. They will do a pre test on the Monday and a post test on the Friday.

Home Learning

This will be set on a Monday and returned on a Thursday. A further will be set on a Thursday and returned on a Monday.

The expectation for Year 6 is as follows:

  • Maths revision booklet out on a Monday, due in Thursday. GPS and Reading revision booklets out on a Thursday, due in Monday.
  • Lexia (if provided) 2 x 20 minutes per week
  • Reading book (‘school scheme’ or library book) to read and have recorded 5 x per week- signed by an adult each week

Useful links



TT Rockstars

What are we learning about this year?

Year Group 6 Curriculum Maps (LTP and topic themes)1


Spring 1 term

Week 5

The final week of term has been a BUSY one. The children completed their third round of practise SATs and did amazingly well with their determination and resilience. In Science, we got to test out refraction and learn how rainbows are made. Computing involved lots of coding this week, which was great fun and…the Y6s got their leavers hoodies!! They look fantastic!

Week 4

Following on from last week’s research of artists who have created ‘eye’ artwork, we created our own eye, using a collage technique of other eyes! In Maths, we took it up a notch with our algebraic equations and in English, we have been doing short burst writing based on an ominous, creepy video called ‘Francis’. The children have produced amazing setting descriptions based on the video!

Week 3

We have been looking at Internet Safety in Computing this week, learning and understanding how and why we need to keep ourselves online. In Science, we made periscopes as we studied the angles of incidence and reflections. We have also looked at various artists and their work in Art, focusing on eyes.

Week 2

This week, we have continued with our persuasive writing in English. The children have produced some catchy slogans and have developed their techniques and understanding of advertising. In Maths, we have begun algebra and the children absolutely smashed it!

Week 1

A great first week back, after a restful break! We have begun with persuasive writing in English, this term- we will be writing a persuasive advertising leaflet for Dobroyd Castle. We have also began our new topic on ‘light’ in Science!

Autumn 2 term

Week 7

The final week before Christmas! Again, we have had a full week of learning, thrown in with some wonderful Christmas activities- we got to visit Santa’s grotto in our school’s inclusion area, performed carols to parents and had a fab sing along on Friday afternoon. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Week 6

Dobroyd week!!! We finally went on our residential to Dobroyd Castle, Robin Wood activity centre, located in Todmorden. We had 3 days of action packed and full filled activities! The children showed great bravery, resilience and team work skills for the 3 days. We got to canoe across a lake, giant swing into the sky, rock climb our way to the top, escape from the pesky piranhas and and zip line down (just to name a few activities). Well done team Y6!!


Week 5

Another wonderful week of learning in Y6! We continued to study North America in Geography and discovered some of the amazing human and physical features. We have been feeling more festive this week; practising the Y6 Christmas song and practising with KS2 for our Christmas performance!

Week 4

We have been curious Scientists this week, learning about evolution and how the human race evolved from monkeys!  In PE, with the Leeds UTD coach, we have been continuing to work on our team work skills.

Week 3

This week, we have been practising our choice of Christmas song for our Carol Concerts to parents on the last day of term. In RE, we have began to look at Sikhism- we had a special visitor, Mr Singh, who came in and talked to us about Sikhism. The children showed great interest, respect and care towards him and their learning.

Week 2

Year 6 have had another great week of learning, we competed in the TTRS battle across schools in England and did amazingly well! 6a and 6b came in first and second place in the school, too. This week we took a trip to North America, which is our Geography topic this half term. We will be learning about all the different countries which make up North America and studying its human and physical features. In Science, we began our learning on Evolution…the children were amazed to find out humans evolved from monkeys!

Week 1

What a FANTASTIC first week back! We had a TTRS tournament throughout school and Year 6 answered a whooping amount of correct questions. Toby H in 6a is the quickest in the school and answered 116 correct answers in one minute…wow!! We dressed up as rocks tars on Friday and had a great day! Throughout the week, the children encouraged one another, were resilient and super enthusiastic!


Autumn 1 term

Week 8

Wow, what another amazing week of learning! We have done lots of great things this week, we learnt all about the struggles of The Windrush Generation for Black History Month and we celebrated Bob Marley by performing a dance to KS1 and KS2! On Thursday, we got to dive back in time at Eden Camp…we got to look at military tanks and weapons from WW2 and experience the streets during the war. The children were wonderful and represented PS amazingly!

Week 7

This week, we had a special visitor in – Judith Rhodes! She shared her mother’s experience of being a refugee from Germany during WW2 and showed us the items and the suitcase her mother brought with her to the UK, as a child. Judith explained what life was like for a Jewish refugee from Germany before and during the war. We have also been practising our dance to Bob Marley’s ‘Three Birds’, which we are going to perform to KS1 and 2 next week, to celebrate Black History Month!

Week 6

We have started writing our diary of an evacuee this week. The children have written some wonderful pieces and have shown their creativity and reflection of life in WW2. This Tuesday, was World Mental Health Day. The children really enjoyed learning about how we can look after our mental health with a healthy diet and exercise. We also did some mindful colouring, had some brain breaks and even watched ASMR sand-cutting videos to help us relax. In Science, we had a gory lesson and learnt all about blood. We investigated the roles of blood cells, platelets and plasma…we even got to make our own blood using jelly, orange juice, cheerios and marshmallows!

Week 5

This week, Y6 built a plasticine heart model in Science to see all the different features of the heart. They did some amazing work and took great care in their learning. In English, we have been putting ourselves in the life of an evacuee in WW2, in order to write a diary entry next week! Y6 have been super mathematicians, working on our long multiplication, factors and multiples. We have also started celebrating Black History Month and have looked at some influential people like Bob Marley and Martin Luther King.


Week 4

In Y6 this week, we finally got to put our poetry skills to use and wrote poems all about The Blitz. The children have produced amazing pieces of learning and showcased their creativity. In Science, we have been investigating the human body and the importance of our hearts!

Week 3

What a busy week we have had. We have had the opportunity to explore lots of different career options during PSPS’s first ever Aspirations Week! The children got to meet Leeds UTD players, have a go at key hole surgery on a dummy and even Miss Bacchus’ mum came and made an appearance! This was a brilliant way to learn about all the possible career options for our children.

Week 2

Another wonderful week of learning in Y6, we have begun our WW2 topic in History and the children have shown lots of enthusiasm about it. We role played what it would be like to be in an air raid, with a blaring siren, which meant we had to take shelter under tables for safety! In PE, we have started our sessions with the Leeds UTD coach, furthering our skills of team work.

Week 1

What a way to start Y6, we all made a trip to Nell Bank on the first day back and worked on our team building and problem solving skills. The children represented our school amazingly well and are a credit to us! All of the Y6 children have made an incredible start to their final year at Park Spring.



Summer 2 term

The Year 6 Jungle Book production

Well done to our amazing Year 6’s for putting on a fantastic production of the Jungle Book.

Year 6 had a hand in everything from the back drop and scenery to lights, sound, acting and dancing. And what a show it was! Take a look at some of our pictures below:

What’s on this term?

Our main focuses of learning this term are French,  Geography (Compass and Map skills), PSHE (Drugs and tobacco), RSE and Science (Improving our health).

For our Science topic, we are learning about How we can improve our health. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic.Science KO

For our Geography topic, we are learning about Map and Compass skills. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic.Y6 Map skills KO

For our French topic, we are learning about the basic skills and writing to a pen pal . Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic.French KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about the Drugs and Tabaco . Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic.Drug, alcohol and tobacco

This term our author of the half term is William Shakespeare.

This term our class reader is Just Jack by Frank Cottrell- Boyce

Just Jack : Scott, Kate: Amazon.co.uk: Books

Week 2

Year 6 had a Theatre workshop this week run by West End in schools. They spend the day learning and rehearsing ‘A Midsummer night’s dream’ before coming together to put on a small production showcasing their dramatic skills. We have some budding actors in Year 6!

Summer 1 term

What’s on this term?

Our main focuses of learning this term are  Science, PSHE and Music.

For our Science topic, we are learning about classification. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic.


For our PSHE topic, we will be learning about how to keep our body and minds healthy as well as keeping safe out and about. Here are our knowledge organisers for these topics.

Mental health and wellbeing Keeping safe and managing risk

For our Music topic, we are learning some of the key terms and creating ostinatos. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic.

Aut Y6 KO

Celebrating Reading

Our class reader this half term is The house with chicken legs by our Author of the half term, Sophie Anderson.

Books – Sophie Anderson      Books – Sophie Anderson  The Girl who Speaks Bear by Sophie Anderson, Kathrin Honesta | Waterstones

Our class reader this half term is the Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling..

The Jungle Book: Amazon.co.uk: Kipling, Rudyard, Chalut: 9781978193727: Books

Spring 2 term

What’s on this term?

Our main focuses of learning this term are Art (Mayan Art),  History (The Mayans) and Science (Light).

For our Art topic, we will be learning about the Maya. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Art KO

For our History topic, we are learning about Maya. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. History KO

For our Science topic, we are learning about light. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Science KO

Celebrating Reading

Our class reader this half term is Shakleton’s Journey by William Grill.

Shackleton's Journey: 1 : William Grill: Amazon.co.uk: Books

Our Author of the term is Kate DiCamillo.

Week 4

Year 6 had a special visitor this week: John Hussey (who is is the great nephew of famous explorer and meteorologist Leonard Hussey). John came to speak to our students about Sir Ernest Shackleton’s legendary expedition  onboard the infamous Endurance, an expedition in which Leonard Hussey was on. Year 6 had the opportunity to ask questions about the expedition and to become immersed in  their research ready for their non-fiction writing in Literacy.

Week 2

This week we have launched into our new History topic which is all about the ancient civilization of the Maya! Have a look at our knowledge organisers above for more information about the exciting goings on in our learning.

We have also started our exciting class reader from our author of the term Kate DiCamillo – The Miraculous journey of Edward Tulane – which is  our driver for our narrative writing in Literacy. Year 6 are very excited to continue reading!

Spring 1 term

What’s on this term?

Our main focuses of learning this term are Geography (Fair Trade), Art (eyes) and Science (Light).

For our Geography topic, we are learning about Fair Trade. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Geography KO

For our Art topic, we will be learning about the eyes. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Art KO

For our Science topic, we are learning about light. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Science KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about keeping safe and managing risks. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. PSHE KO

Celebrating Reading

Our class reader this half term is The Snow Globe by Amy Wilson.

Our author for this half term is Frank Cottrell-Boyce.


Week 5

Year 6 have been engrossed in their new Literacy unit this week: creating suspense in narratives. They have analysed and discussed a range of short suspense stories and have begun planning their own – including a range of figurative language to make their writing more interesting. In Art, Year 6 have been using a range of mediums to create observational drawings and paintings of the eyes; they have worked hard using scale and proportions to make their drawings as realistic as possible!

Meet 6a’s new addition!

Class 6a have been working towards achieving their class target and have now earned themselves a class pet in the form of a Syrian hamster. 6a will be learning how to be responsible pet owners and will be caring for their animal for the rest of the year. If you have any questions about the roles and responsibilities of being a responsible pet owner, come and talk to 6a!

Week 4

This week, some of our Year 6 pupils had the opportunity to compete in the “Sports Hall Athletics” competition. Competitors had to work together, use their resilience and show off their confidence to succeed. After a wide range of different sports, from chest pushes to relays, Park Spring secured a triumphant bronze medal overall. Well done Year 6!

Week 3

Year 6 have been enthralled by their new units of learning this week; they have begun creating fair t

Take a look at some of our periscopes below:

Week 2

This week we have launched into our new Science topic learning about how reflection works and why this is important for our emergency services,  we have also looked at how light is reflected on to concaved surfaces and how this effects our reflection – ask Year 6 about spoon reflection! In Literacy, we have begun writing our persuasive leaflets all about Dobroyd! Have a look at our knowledge organisers below for more information about the exciting goings on in our learning.

We’ve also started our exciting class reader  by our author of the half term – Frank Cottrell Boyce.

Week 1

Year 6 have had a brilliant first week back; they have started their Geography topic learning about fair trade and have enjoyed making observations in Science about how we see light. In literacy, year 6 have been learning about persuasive adverts and have practised writing their own to educate others about current issues that the RSPCA are facing whilst encourage others to be kinder and more responsible animal owners.

Autumn 2 term

Celebrating Reading

Our class reader for this half term is Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver and our author of this term is Philip Pullman.

Wolf Brother - Scholastic Shop         His Dark Materials: Northern Lights by Philip Pullman, Chris Wormell | Waterstones  Book Reviews for Clockwork By Philip Pullman and Paul Bailey | Toppsta

Week 7

Year 6 Dobroyd residential

Year 6 have absolutely loved their once-in-a-lifetime residential to Robin Wood this week! They have spent an action packed 3 days: climbing, ziplining, giant swinging, caving, canoeing and trapezing amongst a plethora of other activities. Take a look at some of our highlights below:


Week 6

Year 6 have been immersed  in their science learning this week, deepening their understanding of the process of natural selection and researching extinct species which they then presented to their peers. Take a look at 6a’s Scientist of the week!


Week 5

Year 6 have had a great  week this week in our topic – NORTH AMERICA! Year 6 have been learning all about the states of the USA and have been comparing and contrasting states with different climates and landscapes. We looked at human and physical features and have created information pages comparing their chosen states. In English we are beginning to write up our ‘Wolf Brother’ inspired narratives ready for our parent event; and in Maths we are finishing off our fractions unit! Here are some of our many examples of exciting learning going into books this week:

Week 3


Year 6 made a special effort in support of Children in Need, helping raise funds by coming in to school dressed in spots, yellow and Pudsey bears!

Week 3


Year 6 had a special visitor this week in the form of Warrant Officer 2nd Class Foulds, who came to speak to our students about Armistice Day. Year 6 had the opportunity to ask questions about the importance and significance of Armistice Day; build upon their existing knowledge of WW1 and WW2; and got to look at and discuss WO2 Foulds’ military medals.


Week 2


Year 6 Remembers

In addition to holding a one-minute silence and paying their respects to the brave men and women who have served our country, year 6 have been learning all about local lad Horace Iles who was just 14 when he enlisted in the Leeds Pals. At just 16 Years of age, Horace died during the battle of Somme whilst fighting in WW1. Year 6 have completed information pages all about Horace and have discussed how different life is for young people today. Take a look at some of 6a’s learning!


Week 2


Year 6 have had an exciting week with our special visitors: businessman Jeremy Nolan and our Inspirations Team leader, Barbera Glastonbury. The duo came in to advise and guide Year 6 on the ways that they could raise money for their leaver’s hoodies. We discussed new and innovative ideas and Jeremy shared his top-tips for business pitches.


Week 1 

Class 6B enjoyed their reward day for achieving their ACE ATTENDANCE award! We had hot-chocolate and a movie in our PJs.

Week 1


Wow! What an amazing start to Autumn 2. We have had a jam-packed week of learning and have started our exciting evolution topic in science. On Wednesday, we had our very own palaeontology experience where we got to dig for fossils! We have produced some wonderful learning on the process in which fossils are formed and the importance of fossils in order to learn about the world in which we live!

Autumn 1 term

Celebrating Reading

Our class reader this half term is Letters From the Lighthouse.

Our author for this half term is Malorie Blackman.

Letters from the Lighthouse: Emma Carroll: 1 : Carroll, Emma: Amazon.co.uk: BooksNoughts & Crosses By Malorie Blackman | Used | 9780552555708 | World of BooksNought Forever by Malorie Blackman | Waterstones

Week 7


Year 6 Judith Rhodes ‘The Little Suitcase’ Visit!

As part of our WW2 History unit, we have looked at evacuees and discussed how it might have felt to be alive in 1939 and experience evacuation like children from cities, including Leeds, did. We had a visitor called Judith Rhodes, who came to talk to Year 6 about her mum’s experience as a Kindertransport evacuee. She explained the reasons that her mum had to be evacuated from Germany to the UK and gave the children an opportunity to ask her questions about her mum’s experience as an evacuee during WW2.

Week 6


Year 6 Sculpture Park Trip

As part of our study into World War 2 artists, we visited the sculpture park. In particular, we examined and analysed Henry Moore’s abstract figures. We also took time to see Ai Wei Wei’s Chinese Zodiac Animals (if you are born in 2011 or 2012, you are a rabbit or a dragon) and Thomas J. Price’s ‘Network’ as part of our celebration of Black culture in Black History Month.

Week 5


Year 6 Eden Camp trip.

We had a great time – in the rain – exploring all of the information about World War 2 in our local area. We built upon the knowledge we have already learned in our history and literacy lessons as well as acquiring new and interesting facts.

Week 4


In Science this week, Year 6 students have had lots of fun learning about our blood . They got to create their own ‘blood soup’ using orange juice, cheerios, jelly and soft mints. This learning helped them to retain the knowledge of what components make up the blood and what their key functions are; they then used this knowledge to create some beautifully presented and informative blood information texts.

Week 3


In Science this week, Year 6 students have been looking at the function of the heart in the circulatory system. They have created the heart using modelling clay and labelled the key parts and functions.

Autumn Term 1 PE

In PE this term, Year 6 have a coach from the Leeds United Foundation. They are currently learning about invasion games and focusing on their team work and collaboration skills.


Summer 2 term

Week 5- Race for Love

On Friday the whole school took part in Race for Love where we had to do 3 laps of the field. It was extremely warm and some of us managed to do 3 and some of us even managed to do 8!


Week 5- Nil Wilson visit

On Monday (for the beginning of sports week) we had a special visitor. Nile Wilson came to visit Park Spring Primary School to inspire the children and show what hard work, determination and resilience can do. He spoke to them about where he was brought up as he is from Leeds and the children just loved meeting him. Even more so as he did a back flip!

Week 4- Mayan clay masks

The children created their final designs out of clay for their Mayan art. They focused on the shape and the detailing by carving and building up their mask. Here are a few of their designs and the process.


Leeds United workshop

Yesterday Year 6 had visitors from Leeds United and completed a workshop on resilience, life choices and experiences to help support them in growing up for the Years ahead. The children had lots of fun and learnt lots of new things.


Week 3- Hoodies

Year 6 received their leavers hoodies this week and have loved wearing them every minute of every day!

Week 2- Geography

For our Geography topic the children used what they learnt in the last lesson about ordnance survey symbols on a map and created their own map of their local area. Here are just a few.


Week 1- Queens Jubilee

The children had a great day learning about the Queen’s Jubilee and what life was like in the 50’s. We created some wonderful posters for the Park Spring book that Miss Horner is creating.


Our main focuses of learning this term are French,  Geography (Compass and Map skills), Computing (Digital Citizenship) and Science (Improving our health).

For our Science topic, we are learning about How we can improve our health. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Science KO

For our Geography topic, we are learning about Map and Compass skills. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Geography KO

For our Computing topic, we are learning about Digital Citizenship. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Computing KO

For our French topic, we are learning about the basic skills and writing to a pen pal . Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic.

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about the Drugs and Tabaco . Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. PSHE KO


This term our author of the half term is William Shakespeare.

The Shakespeare Stories 16 Book Collection - Ages 7... — Books2Door


This term our class reader is Just Jack by Frank Cottrell- Boyce

Just Jack : Scott, Kate: Amazon.co.uk: Books



Summer 1 term

Week 7- bike ability

This week some of the children in Year 6 have been lucky enough to complete their level 1 and some their level 2 for bike ability. Children that have not completed it (but signed up) will be after the half term.

Week 6

We had a very special visitor this week; Amanda Harper from Look North. We got to hear about her job, hold a camera and microphone, look at Look North scripts and tell her about the newspaper reports we are writing.

Week 5

Maya History day.

We had a Maya history day where we learnt about where the Maya people lived, what was going on in the world at the same time, how their complex number system worked and how this was used in their calendars. Here are some of the calendars we made.

Week 4

Good luck to all the children in 6a,6b and 6c completing their SATS this week.



The children made roast potato wedges to celebrate the end of SATS. We have sent a recipe home in case they want to make them.

Week 3

In Science the children learnt about classification and used their knowledge to classify sweets. They started by using a venn diagram and then we went into classifying them using a classification tree.

Week 2

This week we have been learning about inventing new sounds in music. Particularly focusing on making new sounds with objects found in our surroundings e.g. house, classroom. We then created ‘grooves’ and juggled them together. The children had lots of fun!


Week 1

Today we had a lady from West End Theatre to do a Jungle Book dance workshop. The children performed the story of Jungle book and had so much fun doing it!


This week with have just settled in and been enjoying reading our author of the half term Sophie Anderson.

Books – Sophie Anderson      Books – Sophie Anderson  The Girl who Speaks Bear by Sophie Anderson, Kathrin Honesta | Waterstones


Our main focuses of learning this term are Art (Maya),  Art (Maya), Computing (Digital Citizenship) and Science (Classification).

For our Science topic, we are learning about Classification. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Science KO

For our Art topic, we will be learning about the Maya. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Art KO

For our Music topic, we are learning about inventing sides. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Music KO

For our History topic, we are learning about Maya. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. History KO

For our Computing topic, we are learning about Digital Citizenship. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Computing KO


Our class reader this half term is the Jungle Book.

The Jungle Book: Amazon.co.uk: Kipling, Rudyard, Chalut: 9781978193727: Books

Spring 2 term

Week 5

Year 6 have been learning about Ernest Shackleton as this was our class reader this term. We produced some beautiful non-chronological reports on his early life, his trip to Antarctica, finding the Endurance in 2022 and his later life. The children decided on what they wanted to included and made sure they included all the key features of a non-chronological report as well as making it interesting for their audience.

Week 4

A special visitor came to speak to all of the Year 6s this week. John Hussey, the great-nephew to Leonard Hussey, came to talk about the Endurance expedition which ended in catastrophic failure. He shared his research of Leonard, who was a crew member on the ill-fated ship and has helped inspire all of us to write our non-chronological reports.

Week 3

This week we have learnt about refraction and completed some experiments. If you want to try them at home it was the vanishing coin, oil, pencil and water, and amazing arrows.

Week 2

Last week in Science we learnt about refraction and how rainbows are made. We even tried to make our own rainbow in class with a torch, water and white paper.

Week 1- cooking 6c

6c enjoyed making cream cheese and pineapple potato skins today. We will send the recipes home over the next few days as the children would like to make them at home with different fillings.

Our main focuses of learning this term are Geography (Fair Trade), Music (inventing sounds), RE (Christianity), PSHE (mental health and well being), Science (Light).

For our Science topic, we are learning about light. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Science KO

For our Geography topic, we are learning about Fair Trade. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Geography KO

For our Music topic, we are learning about Inventing sounds. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Music KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about Mental Health and Well Being. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. PSHE KO


Our class readers this half term is Shakleton’s Journey by William Grill.

Shackleton's Journey: 1 : William Grill: Amazon.co.uk: Books

Our author for this half term is Philip Reeve.

Utterly Dark and the Face of the Deep (Paperback) - Philip Reeve | Jarrold, Norwich Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve – The Great British Bookworm

Larklight by Philip Reeve | Waterstones


Spring 1 term

Week 7

Year 6 have been writing some suspense stories. We thought we would share them with you.

Week 6

6c had a great time on Friday afternoon playing board games for filling their ace attendance. Well done!


Week 5- Periscopes (Science)

The children really enjoyed making a variety of periscopes today in Science. We will be using them next week to look at how light travels.

If you would like to make one at home the website is below by STEM.



Week 4- Art collage

In art, Year 6 loved making a collage of different eyes and discussing which eye was their favourite and why.

Week 3- Tree planting 

As part of the school’s Planet Patrol push, class 6a  travelled to the Houghside playing field  to support Leeds City Council’s Woodland Creation project. This project has an aim of planting nearly 6 million trees to double the tree canopy cover in the city in response to the climate emergency. We were joined by local councillor, Dawn Seary and had lots of fun planting a range of trees, luckily only one spade was broken in the process!




Week 2

This week we had a curriculum day where we did Computing (looking at conditionals, algorithms and loops), Art (looking at our eye artists) and PSHE. Here are some photos from that day.


Week 1

This week with have just settled in and been enjoying reading our author of the half term- Frank Cottrell Boyce.


Our main focuses of learning this term are Art (eyes),  DT (Alarm systems), Computing (algorithms) and Science (Light).

For our Art topic, we will be learning about the eyes. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Art KO

For our DT topic, we are learning about alarm systems. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. DT KO

For our Science topic, we are learning about light. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Science KO

For our Computing topic, we are learning about algorithms. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Computing KO

For our PSHE topic, we are learning about keeping safe and managing risks. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. PSHE KO



Our class readers this half term are The Viewer and The Rain player.


Our author for this half term is Frank Cottrell-Boyce.


Autumn 2 term

Week 7

Year 6 had an amazing 3 days at Robin Wood (Dobroyd Castle) where they soared through the skies on the zip line and the giant swing, played canoe football, and had lots of laughs, ate lots of food and were extremely tired.


Week 5 and 6

Year 6 have completed some AMAZING geography learning at for the end of their topic on North America. They created a comparison on two North American states looking at physical and human features, facts, weather and anything else they found interesting.

These are just a few of the best ones. I will add more once the children have finished.

Week 4

We had a curriculum day this week and did some music. We learnt how to sing 2 parts in the song happy and play the glockenspiel in time with the music. We also learnt about New York in Geography and the human and physical features. We then used this information to create our own fact file or travel brochure.


Week 3

Friday 19th was Children In Need day and we worn yellow, spots or Pudsey bear clothing. There was a raffle and a magnificent prize.  I wonder who will win it!

Week 2

This week in Re we learnt about the Gurdwara and made flat breads as part of the langar how sikhs celebrate their religion daily.

In Science the children learnt about characteristics, and which characteristics can be passed genetically from parent to offspring. We used Mr Mr and Little Miss to help explain this.

In Math, we have been learning about area and using shreddies to help us practising and show what area would look like and how to work it out. The children loved this practical lesson and being able to write on the tables.


Week 1

The children have started their new topic of learning about Evolution and when humans became humans. We started by looking at fossils and how these capture what an animal might have looked like.

Here are the KO for this term

Y6 North America KO


Science Evolution KO



Our class book for this half term is Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver and our author of this term is Philip Pullman.

Wolf Brother - Scholastic Shop    The Subtle Knife (His dark materials, #2) by Philip Pullman     His Dark Materials: Northern Lights by Philip Pullman, Chris Wormell | Waterstones  Book Reviews for Clockwork By Philip Pullman and Paul Bailey | Toppsta

Autumn 1 term

Week 7

Year 6 had a wonderful time at Yorkshire Sculpture Park yesterday. We looked closely at our artist Henry Moore and his sculptures. We also completed a workshop where we used nature to help with shading and created our our sculptures and placed them in nature. We had a fabulous time and the children loved looking at all the different art and the artists.


Week 6

This week we finished writing our WW2 poems. We are going to be sending them off to Eden Camp for WW2. We also loved learning about Benjamin Zephaniah our hero of the week. We listened to him reading his poem about his mother and one about talking turkeys!

Week 5

The children had a visitor this week, which was Judith Rhodes.  She showed a documentary, The Little Suitcase, that tells her mother’s story, and will bring Ursula’s Kinder transport case with her. The children asked such great questions and Judith was impressed with the Year 6 children, their knowledge and their interest in WW2.

Week 4

The children loved learning to play the violin today. We found it difficult to hold but were great at pizzicato (plucking) the strings.


E- learning super stars!

Aaron earnt his gold and silver in Matheltics!

The following children completed all their e learning this week: Aaron, Oscar, Seb, Olivia, Lucas, Bailey and Grace.


Week 3

Science is at the Heart of It
The year 6 children had an amazing Science lesson this week learning about the parts of the heart. They got to make a model of the heart out of plasticine and salt dough and then labelled it. If you would like to make your own at home you will need: flour, salt, red and blue food colouring and some water. Find out how to make salt dough on line and then create your own model of the heart!

Week 2

In our second week back, The children had a hook day where they took part in a WW2 boot camp. Tried their hand at morse code and created some beautiful Blitz photos.



Our two main focuses of learning this term are WW2 and Circulatory System.

For our history topic, we will be learning about the WW2. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. WW2

Then in Science we are learning about the Circulatory System. Here is our knowledge organiser for this topic. Animals including humans

Our class reader this half term is Letters From the Lighthouse. 

Our author for this half term is Malorie Blackman.

Letters from the Lighthouse: Emma Carroll: 1 : Carroll, Emma: Amazon.co.uk: BooksNoughts & Crosses By Malorie Blackman | Used | 9780552555708 | World of BooksNought Forever by Malorie Blackman | Waterstones




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