
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

6B star readers

A huge well done to these children from 6B who have read 3 times a week throughout Autumn term! You’re all amazing and thank you to all of your families as well for the support at home. Enjoy your well earned prize – another book to enjoy!

Year 6 had a fabulous time celebrating their Christmas party yesterday after working hard all term. They played lots of games and there was lots of smiles and laughter! Please see the Year 6 page for lots of photos.

Leeds Rhinos good luck 6a

Leeds rhinos good luck 6B

Leeds Rhinos good luck year 1

Year 6 learned all about blood yesterday afternoon and what is in it as they made their own bag of blood! First in went the plasma (orange juice), then red blood cells (jelly bits) then white blood cells (marshmallows) and finally platelets (cheerios).

They have learned about what job each of these components do and why they are so important, as you can see from their amazing information texts! Well done year 6, great scientific learning this week!

In Science, we have been learning about the heart and the parts of the heart. Today, Year 6 had the opportunity to make a 3d model of the heart. The children were really excited about this and made a variety of different models. Next week we will use our models and label the parts of the heart.



It’s our second week back at school and 6B are continuing to impress!

They have been learning about WW2 and the events that led up to it after WW1. Here are their timelines of events that they created in pairs.

Here they are with their amazing Blitz pictures from Friday!


We’ve had another great week in 6B, well done everyone!

What an amazing first week we’ve had in year 6! They’ve been very happy and excited to be back in school and seeing their friends and we’ve had a great week settling back into our routines and learning. Here are some pictures of some team building games and activities we all took part in!

Here are some pictures of the fun we’ve had on our WW2 hook day. Check out their Blitz art!

We taught the children about air raid sirens and every time they went off, the children had to take shelter!

Generals Benson and Munton put the classes through their paces in boot camp.

Mr Baker’s Year 6 bubble has been clearing up the raised beds and planted some sunflowers. We learnt about the invertebrates we found, including worms, ladybirds and lace wings. We also learnt why the plants need nutrients and water. Finally, we have set up an experiment using 2 pots with food and 2 without to see how this difference affects the plants.


Our bubble had a great time doing a science experiment making ‘oobleck’! It is a non newtonian fluid, which means it changes from a solid to a liquid depending on the force that’s put on it. Charlie put it brilliantly – “When I squeeze it, it’s a solid. When I let go, it’s a liquid!” It was a lot of fun but very messy… Apologies for the state of their clothes…

If you fancy doing this from home, mix 1 part cornflour to 1.5 parts water. You’ll know when you’ve got the right mix because it will suddenly become very hard to stir!


Our bubble enjoyed embracing nature today out in the wild nature garden. We have started to weed Story Corner and investigated the creatures that live in the area. We will show you our progress later on in the week.