
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

6B 100% attendance

A big well done to 6B for having 100% attendance this week! As a treat they asked for some extra play and time to go and see the Park Spring chickens. Here they are getting to know their feathery friends!

Year 6 remote learners have had a great day today for World Book Day. We’ve been reading Shackleton’s Journey, which tells the incredible true story of Ernest Shackleton’s expedition to Antarctica in 1914. The children have created some Antarctica art work based on the book, as well as writing diary entries and planning their luggage for the trip! In addition to this, they’ve enjoyed choosing from the variety of other ‘pick and mix’ activities available and creating some lovely learning. Well done Year 6!

Year 6 have had a fantastic day celebrating World book day! All our learning today was linked to our current class reader which is Shackleton’s Journey’.


First we made sugar cube igloos which was great! We couldn’t quite figure out how to make the roof curved like a real igloo.

Second, we joined the remote learners on teams to see what they day was like.

Then we started the best bit of the day which was our Antarctica art and the art work the children produced looks incredible!

After that we had some story time and ERIC time where we could enjoy reading with our peers.

In the afternoon, we had 3 choices. We could make: a map of Shackleton’s journey, write a letter as if we were a person on Shackleton’s journey or create a comic strip about Shackleton’s journey.

At the end of the day we hopped back onto teams again and shared our learning with the remote learners. It was so lovely to see what everyone at home has done!


Here are some photos from our day.

Year 6 have been learning about how to give first aid to someone who is unconscious. If they are breathing but unresponsive, they have learned to put someone in the recovery position. If they are not breathing, it’s time to start CPR! Here is Taylor giving some fantastic CRP to Patrick, who is recovering well after Taylor’s heroic actions.

Here are some pictures of the factor bugs our amazing remote learners have created in year 6!

The children in Year 6 have been practising their triple jump skills and measuring their distance. We then recorded our best score out of 3 in meters and created bar charts to show this.

Year 6 ending their algorithm and programming topic today with a BANG! They use the website https://code.org/ and created their own Flappy Bird game and then had a go at some of the other coding games. The children loved this. Here are some photos of them!

So firstly, Mrs McWhinnie wanted to celebrate how well the year 6 are doing with their remote learning. The whole of the Year 6 team are very impressed with their attitude.
Secondly, we wanted to show you some of the things that the remote learners have been up to.
1) First aid
Where the children learnt how to save someone from choking using back slaps and the Heimlich manoeuvre. (See Taylor’s doing a great example of this). Ashton also created a poster about calling 999.
2) Mind mate
Taylor did art as his fun activity to support positive mental well-being for our Mindmate session. He rolled trucks up and down in different paints to create this effect.
3) RE
Taylor also did the 5Ks poster for Sikhism.
4) Art
Olivia and Ashton did some eye collage art work and Alfie N took it in a more surreal direction with his eye waterscape.

The remote learners in Year 6 have been having fun with algorithms. They have been writing algorithms for making different things out of paper. Some examples are helicopters, bows and algorithms.