
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Dobroyd Year 6

Year 6 have had a fabulous time on their residential to Robin Wood (Dobroyd Castle). Some have flown on the zip line, some have conquered the trapeze, and eaten a lovely big meal. We have perfected our listening and communication skills, worked as a team and made some new friends!

Year 6 have completed some AMAZING geography learning at for the end of their topic on North America. They created a comparison on two North American states looking at physical and human features, facts, weather and anything else they found interesting.

These are just a few of the best ones. I will add more once the children have finished.

Well done to our Black History Month competition winners and entries! I am incredibly proud of your hard work and enthusiasm in researching your chosen hero and presenting them, AND in your own time. Amazing!
A big well done to Lawson and Bobby (not pictured).
Miss Horner

Year 6 had a wonderful time at Yorkshire Sculpture Park yesterday. We looked closely at our artist Henry Moore and his sculptures. We also completed a workshop where we used nature to help with shading and created our our sculptures and placed them in nature. We had a fabulous time and the children loved looking at all the different art and the artists.

The children had a visitor this week, which was Judith Rhodes.  She showed a documentary, The Little Suitcase, that tells her mother’s story, and will bring Ursula’s Kinder transport case with her. The children asked such great questions and Judith was impressed with the Year 6 children, their knowledge and their interest in WW2.

Year 6 had an AMAZING time in Science yesterday creating their own blood and learning about the components of blood. It was disgusting but great and they all loved it!

The year 6 children had an amazing Science lesson this week learning about the parts of the heart. They got to make a model of the heart out of plasticine and salt dough and then labelled it. If you would like to make your own at home you will need: flour, salt, red and blue food colouring and some water. Find out how to make salt dough on line and then create your own model of the heart!

Year 6 had their WW2 hook day afternoon on Monday. They learnt about conscription and felt how difficult it was in the army. Also they learnt about Morse Code and how difficult it was to communication with each other and they produced some wonderful WW2 Blitz pictures.


The Year 6 children had their leavers party yesterday and had so much fun. We are sorry that some of the children who are isolating couldn’t attend.