
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Activities for Year 5 literacy

Follow the links to research the Solar System! This information will be used in our poetry.




Good luck space explorers!

Well done to everyone doing a fantastic job of learning at home. We really enjoy reading emails and seeing photos of what you are getting up to, so please keep it up!!

Here are a list of some ‘Super E-Learners’ this week so far – children using our online resources at home 🙂 .


Ella, Olivia, Mia, Jayden, Archi, Chloe, Ashton, Jack, Sam, Hannah, Alex, Daniel and Maisha.

Times Table Rockstars:

Archi, Jack, George, Sam, Kingsley, Sophie, Taylor, Alex, and Daniel.


In the time it took me to get that data, I’m sure some other children would have logged on, so watch this space for updates on Super E-Learners!

Keep safe everyone, and enjoy the weather!

Mrs McNaboe and Mr Baker

5a had a brilliant cookery class with Mrs Houghton where we made a fast, healthy and delicious pasta dish. We used the claw technique to cut carrots and peppers and the bridge technique when chopping the onion in half. The children had a brilliant time and, even though a few were nervous to try it, everyone ended up loving it!


We have had a great day today, all linked to reading! We had a great assembly with a whole school story – We’re Going on a Book Hunt! Mr Barker, Mrs Gunning and Mrs Digby were sorted into Hogwarts Houses by the sorting hat, we had a whole school sorting hat teacher swap. We also had lots of discussions about books, created magnificent art inspired by our class readers and filled in feathers to create a whole school display (watch this space) of why we love reading and why reading is important… phew!


Year 6 loved their focus on The Viewer – a fantastic book that really gripped their imagination – they couldn’t wait to read on !


It has been lovely to see so many children swap books, before school, during the day, during lunch time, after school… so great that the children are so keen to read and discover new books. I have had some lovely conversations with parents, staff and children about how we are all inspiring each other to read more and why it’s so important!

It was great to see lots of children swapping books and reading at lunch time!

Lola in year 6 has helped her friend to get a library card and swapped a book to read to her cousin today, it’s lovely to see Macauley reading a book he loves that he got from the library. Harvey in year 5 has inspired others to read different books and is going to be a reading ambassador. George in year 3 has swapped lots of books with Mrs Horan and has inspired lots of children in his class to read. Mr Shaw in year 4 has inspired his class to read and swap books on a regular basis.  The children in year 2 were really excited to create beautiful flower pictures based on the secret garden.

Year 5 fused art and poetry – inspired by their poetry class reader.

They created some great front covers inspired by their other class reader – The Explorer. They are going to use these to go on the front of their Explorer inspired writing.

In nursery today it was a real pleasure to read to them, they spoke in full sentences, listened carefully and we had a really interesting conversation about how you grow when you are asleep and we all agreed that the pigeon really needed to go to bed – NOT stay up late!

In year 6 the children created some great art inspired by The Viewer.

In year 4 they created Iron Man pictures – using the book and my pictures inspired by the book…

Year 3 created some fantastic pictures inspired by Kensuke’s Kingdom.


Year 2 created some great pictures inspired by the Secret Garden.

A fantastic day! Thank you for your support – letting your children bring books to swap and listening to your children read at home!

Emma Digby

Today, we imagined ourselves as the characters in our book, ‘The Explorer’ by Katherine Rundell. We posed as if we were in the plane above the Amazon Rainforest, before and after the pilot loses control! This will help us write our adventure stories and really relate to and understand our character’s emotions. It was also quite fun..!

In science, we have been learning about the properties of materials. We tied in our oracy skills by trying to use scientific vocabulary to describe an object hidden behind a screen. It was good fun and the children learnt a lot.

In our RE sessions in Year 5, we have been learning all about the Sikh religion. As part of this, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Singh to learn about Sikhism. During the day we learnt about methods of prayer, daily life, how to worship as well as important objects for Sikhs.

We learnt about how to treat the holy book: the Guru Granth Sahib. Including what happens when it is brought out in the morning and put to bed at night. A priest will clean the air before the book is moved around. Check out Hannah performing this ritual!

We then built our own Takht or Manji Sahib, which is where the book is kept under a canopy and on top of three cushions.

We also learnt about prayer rituals and how to worship in a Gurdwara. It is important for Sikhs to cover anything important and so they cover their bodies and head.

At all times, the children showed their respect and asked some interesting and thought-provoking questions. It was great to see their participation in learning about different cultures and religions.


To introduce year 5 to our new topic, the rainforests, we created our own tribal art pieces, mimicking the bright colours and leaf-shapes found in the rainforest. The children worked really hard and they look good added to our display!


After school, we turned the year 5 classrooms into dark, comfy spaces where we could enjoy a ‘bedtime’ book. It was lovely to hear the children reading to their adults and vice versa. Thank you to the adults who came and shared a book.


Over the Christmas holidays, priceless artifacts have been stolen from the Year 5 classrooms. Reports suggests that a ‘Mummy-like’ figure has been wandering the corridors. Sandy footprints, as well as scraps of linen, were found at the scene of the crime. Year 5 news reporters are currently investigating and will file a full report soon… Watch this space to find out if the mystery gets solved!