
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Making guacomole in Year 5!

Year 5 have had the pleasure of cooking with Mrs Houghton in Summer term! They made some tangy, zesty and delicious guacamole. We learnt about Mexico and the origins of the dish as well as the ingredients and method of how to make it. We then went to the dining hall to make our tasty Guac.

In Year 5 we have been learning all about deforestation and the damaging effects that it causes. We have created fact files all about different South American countries:

and then written balanced arguments explaining the pros and cons of the topic:

We are really proud of all the hard work they have put in during this topic and we now have loads of enthusiastic, budding conservationists!



Year 5 made some beautiful Valentine’s day cards to give out to their loved ones. From Year 5 to you, we hope you have a wonderful half term and a lovely Valentine’s day.


Remote learners have been working hard this week! We have finished our Viking stories, done lots of mini maths tests, started learning about fractions and met a Viking (virtually)! We also learnt about how respect our planet by reducing, re-using and re-cycling!

Save our planet Olivia S


Year 5 visited the ancient Viking city of Jorvik today. We discovered the weapons used and battles fought; what their homelife was like; and also how they told their stories.

Some of the questions we wanted to discover were:

Who served longest on the Viking throne?

Are you natives of Iceland?

How did you start fires?

Did the Vikings stain their clothes with colours?

What was the reaction to the opening of the Jorvik Viking Centre?

Did you like your life as a Viking?

What was the most popular weapon?

Did Vikings have rules/religions that made them not be able to eat/drink something?

How did they go to the toilet?
Were animals in pens or did you let them roam free?
How did you collect them again?
Was it a boring life without technology?
Did you have any shops?
We found out loads of interesting facts which we will be using to inspire some Viking writing!


This week, as well as working hard at writing Viking stories and dividing in maths, we have been writing messages in Viking Runes and listening to music and drawing what it makes us think of!


See if you can use the Runes alphabet to decipher my message and some from the children!


We listened to Storm Interlude from Britten’s ‘Peter Grimes’ and discussed how he uses dynamics to depict a storm. At the same time as listening, the children made a quick sketch of what they ‘saw’ in the music. 


Year 5 have been researching the Viking way of life this term, discovering the secrets of these feared warriors. We have written non-fiction information texts to explain what we have learnt about these fascinating people. Did you know that although they were thought to wear horned helmets, this is actually a myth!

We are also lucky enough to have a virtual ‘tour’ of the Jorvik Viking Centre to continue our research.

Year 5  experienced what life might have been like for the Vikings by building dens, lighting fires and cooking ancient recipes! Obviously the Vikings wouldn’t have had the luxury of tarpaulin or cotton wool to help them out, but the children all agreed they are glad they live in a world of heating and electricity! Here are some photos of what we got up to:

In Year 5, we have been super busy this term with lots of brilliant learning. We have written a letter home from Outer Space from the perspective of Liam Digby, the main character in our class book: Cosmic by Frank Cottrell Boyce. The children enjoyed this a lot and we had a chance to read them to our own Mrs Digby here in school.

We have been lucky to have had a fantastic Space topic this term. We have learnt all about the Solar System, figuring out night and day and the relative sizes of things in our Universe!

Did you know that Betelgeuse, a red giant, is about 700 times bigger than the sun and about 14,000 times brighter?!

We have also learnt all about coasts and have researched into the Islands that are around the UK.

In music, we have been learning about Earth by Hanz Zimmer (https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/ten-pieces/classical-music-hans-zimmer-earth/zh4k382). We used this as an inspiration to compose our own pieces using dynamics, pitch and tone.

Keep checking on this page to see future updates of what we are learning next term 🙂

Year 5 team