
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Accepting your Reception place for September 2023

If your child has been offered a place in Reception for September 2023 from the admissions team at Leeds City Council, please email Mrs Houghton (EYFS Leader) at admissions@parkspringprimary.co.uk to accept or decline their place. ALL children must have their places accepted or declined, including those pupils who already attend Park Spring nursery.

Please provide the following information in the email:

  • Your child’s name, address and date of birth
  • Your name and telephone number
  • The current nursery your child attends
  • Any other significant information we may need to know about your child at this point. For example, medical conditions, special educational needs or food allergies.

You will then be contacted via email in the next few weeks with further information regarding your child’s transition into Reception. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

We look forward to welcoming you and your child to Park Spring Primary School Reception!

Mrs Houghton, EYFS Leader

Do you have a child that is DUE to start RECEPTION in September 2023. If so please visit the ADMISSIONS page on the ‘Key Info’ tab as shown below on this WEBSITE. Any questions please do JUST ASK!

Egg-citing news! Our pet chickens arrived from the ‘Fresh Start for Hens’ charity last weekend.
They have been rescued as they are 18 months old and the farm that they were laying eggs for has finished with them…so we have given them a chance of a longer and happy life.
Year groups will be taking it in turns in to care for the chickens: feeding them, changing their water and cleaning the coop!
We have 6 chickens in total and the children will be deciding what to call them.

Watch the video to see the stylish coop the staff and children have been busy setting up over the last few months in preparation for the chickens arrival.


Hello boys, girls and families.

I hope that you had a lovely Easter break and are all ok at home.


I have had lots more emails sent to me with photos of you keeping busy at home – I would like to share them with you again so that they can make you smile too.


Can you guess who it it!?

More wonderful photos to share, thank you team Nursery ? x

And some more… ?


Look at our super Jack and the Beanstalk activities ????

Do these belong to the Giant!?

I wonder if they lay golden eggs?


We found some bean seeds to plant at our house…

And found some props for the story…


Today we planted a few more of our beans in jars so that we can watch them grow. We found some instructions on the internet and have started our Bean Diaries.

We talked about what a seed needs to grow and decided that they would need water and sunlight. We wanted to set up our own investigation to find out whether the seed would grow best with water and sunlight, just water or just sunlight.
We chose 3 of the same sized jars and used the same amount of kitchen roll in each jar. We have put the seeds that are in sunlight on the same windowsill and the seed with no sun in a dark, dark cupboard! We made sure the kitchen roll in the jars for seeds with water was moist. We are going to keep checking that the conditions for our seeds are perfect and we are going to observe the seeds every 2 days.

Tuesday 28th April

Thursday 30th April

…The primary roots that have water are much longer and look at the secondary roots growing out to the side ??

We will keep letting you know how our beans get on!


Look at Joshua’s AMAZING Jack and the Beanstalk story…       




It’s lovely to see all your smiling faces and amazing learning. ? Keep the photos coming!

I will update soon with more photos.



I miss you all, take care,

Mrs Ward x

Hello Nursery!

I have really enjoyed filming videos for you over the past few weeks.

Here are some quick links so that you can find them easily.


Keep the requests coming in! ?

Mrs Ward



The Gruffalo for Joshua E x


We’re going on a Bear Hunt for Joshua T x


Mrs Ward’s Jack and the Beanstalk ?


10 Minute Rhyme Times

Get your household instruments ready for 10 minutes of fun!


Session 1

(Is it a frog?! Is it a rabbit?! No, it’s Mrs Ward!!!)


Session 2 – Easter / Spring


Session 3

(WARNING – one egg was harmed in the making of this clip…

…I then ate it for my lunch!)



Here are some useful online links that I think are great:






Spring 2 in Nursery

Hello lovely Nursery children and families!

What a strange half term it has turned out to be.

School has closed so that we can stop Coronavirus from spreading as much as we possibly can, so we can keep as many people as possible safe and well. Thank you for all you are doing to help. ?

Here is a link to a little book illustrated by Axel Scheffler that has been created to explain a bit more about the situation. Although it is created for 5-9 year olds, your grown-ups might like to read you parts that they think will help you to understand a bit more. Click the link here.

So, what have we been up to?
When school was still open we enjoyed the story of Rosie’s walk…

(you might want to turn the music down!)


We acted it out…

Meet Rosie

And the Fox…

Rosie the hen went for a walk across the yard…


…the fox got hit by a rake!

Around the pond…


Over the haycock…

Past the mill, through the fence

and under the beehives…AAARGH, BEES!!!


And got back in time for dinner!



We also made some super shapes with our squiggle scarves – can you spot which shapes they are?


Great teamwork everyone!

What have we been doing since school closed?

I have been in school for a few days looking after the children who have parents/carers that are key workers.
We got busy in the Early Years garden tidying it up ready for when we all go back ?. We hope that you like it…

I also did some natural art in the style of Andy Goldsworthy with the children:


When I have not been at school, I have been at home looking after my own kiddiwinkles and doing some school work at home.
Here are some photos of what we have been doing:



Meet Benji!

I made an Easter Tree:

Breakfast in bed for my birthday ?

What an amazing water area my children made!!!!


…And we have loved keeping an eye on what the BIG teddies near our house have been up to…


Although it is sad that we can’t see our friends, we are lucky to be able to spend more time at home with our families. Here are some photos of what your friends in Nursery have been up to for you to enjoy looking at and to have some nice chats about.

Jacob’s yummy biscuits



I have really loved seeing your amazing photos boys and girls, you have really helped to keep me feeling positive and happy, thank you. Keep sending photos to nursery@parkspringprimary.co.uk if you want me to add more! If your child would like to send a message to his/her friends please just type it out and I will add it to my next post. x


Take care boys and girls and look after your grown-ups because they are finding it very strange and different at the moment too…hugs and cuddles help them A LOT!


I am really looking forward to seeing piccies of your Jack and the beanstalk activities and / or anything else you get up to. ?


Stay safe everyone and I will update our class web page soon.

Big hugs,

Mrs Ward ?




Lots of Winter fun has taken place this half term.


We found lots of ice! And we enjoyed the story of ‘That’s Not My Penguin’ as our Class reader.



We have enjoyed the stories Aliens love Underpants…



… and Whatever Next (we learnt about Rockets and went on a Moon Picnic!).                              


We also wrote and performed our own show of


Mrs Waters enjoyed teaching Nursery with Mrs Jones and Mr Hammerton.

The children loved getting involved in the stories of Stick Man, Goldilocks and the Rainbow Fish.



The children also did a great job performing their Nativity.



Christmas Party Time!