
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Drumming, Football, Romans and Pompeii

Year 4 children in school have had a very busy half term. They have created some fantastic writing – about the Romans and Murton Park (which they typed up on the computers in the ICT suite) and fantastic descriptive pieces about Pompeii.

They have been taught by Stuart to develop their football skills – thinking about dribbling skills, using the space and working as a team. We have seen an improvement in their skills at football during break times too – with more children joining in with the fun!

They have been developing their drumming skills with Mr G, something they have really enjoyed on a Friday morning.

They still miss their friends who are learning remotely, but it has been lovely to see them during the shared celebration assemblies via Teams!

The children have designed mosaics to create with pulses next half term – watch this space to see what they manage to create!

We have had a very busy start to the year. The children have had great attitudes to learning and have been really focused!

We have read The Iron Man and the children have written their own descriptions based on the story, we are still reading Narnia and they have created fantastic cliff hanger stories for the year 3 children to read. They tasted Turkish Delight – most of the children liked it!

As a hook for our writing we had a brilliant bush craft day – the children experienced orienteering, team skills, water filtering and den making. We finished with toasting marshmallows! Yum!

In design and technology the children have designed and made their own Greek gods using hinges.

In geography we have been studying counties, urban and rural settlements. In science we have been classifying animals and insects.

It has been a busy year so far, the children are working hard on their times tables, reading lots during ERIC and reading lessons and are working on their writing skills. It has been lovely to see how they are learning and maturing.

In our RE sessions in Year 5, we have been learning all about the Sikh religion. As part of this, we were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Singh to learn about Sikhism. During the day we learnt about methods of prayer, daily life, how to worship as well as important objects for Sikhs.

We learnt about how to treat the holy book: the Guru Granth Sahib. Including what happens when it is brought out in the morning and put to bed at night. A priest will clean the air before the book is moved around. Check out Hannah performing this ritual!

We then built our own Takht or Manji Sahib, which is where the book is kept under a canopy and on top of three cushions.

We also learnt about prayer rituals and how to worship in a Gurdwara. It is important for Sikhs to cover anything important and so they cover their bodies and head.

At all times, the children showed their respect and asked some interesting and thought-provoking questions. It was great to see their participation in learning about different cultures and religions.


This Week

Early May Bank Holiday – School Closed
May 6 all-day
KS2 Assessments
May 13 – May 17 all-day
Reception and Year 6 Photographs
May 21 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Spring Bank Holiday
May 27 all-day

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