
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Park Spring Primary STARS OF THE YEAR! Awards ceremony

Last week saw our second year of our revamped STARS of the YEAR celebration. These are VERY SPECIAL AWARDS where our teachers choose the pupil that best fulfils our school ETHOS of being RESILIENT, HAPPY, CARING, and CONFIDENT. All of the children chosen showed ALL of these characteristics and are what we term our ‘ALWAYS CHILDREN’. Apart from the kudos and the recognition they have received from the adults, their peers and their families they also get to go on a very special visit. Mrs Horan is taking all theses children to Waterstones in Leeds – where they will choose a book that school will pay for before heading to the cafe for a very special treat! Well done everyone and well done to their families for keeping at secret right up to the awards ceremony itself!