Dear Parent / Carer,
We are currently reviewing our HOME LEARNING expectations and policy.
Currently children from YR to Y5 are expected to read each week, with an adult (the number varies by Year Group) and a paper based activity is provided once a week for the children to complete. This is based on learning the children have already completed in class, and provides them with an opportunity to practise their new knowledge in maths, reading , Grammar and / or spelling. The children will have 1 week to complete their activities. Y6 children will have home learning set twice a week.
We also provide e-learning accounts. Children from Y2 should be completing at least 30 minutes per week of Times Tables practice using their TTRS account, as this is a vital part of the knowledge they must gain in order to access their maths learning in KS2.
Some children will also have LEXIA accounts and this will have been discussed with parents about the need and requirements of home study.
For more detail on the expectations for your child please refer to the CLASS PAGE of this website.