
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Cooking and Nutrition


At Park Spring we want to teach children the life skills of food preparation and cooking.  

Why? So that children have the skills to look after themselves and their families in the future.  

We also want the children to learn where food comes from and what makes a healthy, balanced meal. 

Why? So children can make healthy choices around food and they can help to make the world a more sustainable place to live in.  


In Nursery, children learn skills such as peeling, as well as developing their independence. They learn to peel fruit, such as bananas and satsumas, and they also learn to put the straws in their milk carton as well as pouring their own water in the dining room.

In Reception, children use the apples and pears grown in the EYFS garden to make a fruit crumble or cake. They also make hedgehog bread rolls when learning about Harvest, Autumn and the story ‘The Little Red Hen’.

If your child would like a copy of any of the recipes then please get in contact with your class teacher.

Autumn term – 

Year 1 – Ham and cheese wraps.

Year 1 learnt about how to cut using the claw knife technique, how to tear ham, crumble cheese and arrange them on their own healthy wrap. It was great to see them trying new foods!

Year 2 – Fruit salads.

As part of their healthy eating learning and after meeting Unhealthy Hannah. Year 2 made some yummy fruit salads. They learnt to cut using the bridge knife technique and how to hedgehog a mango cheek.

Year 3 – Cucumber raita.

As part of our cooking week, Year 3 made some cucumber raita. They learnt how to peel soft vegetables and how to follow a recipe. They enjoyed their raita with some breadsticks.

Year 4 – Lemon meringue pies.

Year 4 used lots of different techniques to make their lemon meringue pies. They had to separate an egg, handle shortcrust pastry and bake pastry.

Year 5 – Guacamole.

Year 5 revisited some of their past learning when they revisited the bridge and claw knife techniques. They also learnt all about where the ingredients that guacamole come from. Year 5 enjoyed their guacamole with some tortilla chips.

Year 6 – Cream cheese and pineapple potato skins.

For our cooking week, Year 6 learnt all about how food ingredients should be stored and why. They also learnt the technique of chopping herbs finely to go on top of their potato skins.