
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Year 4’s Disgusting Digestive System Hook Day!

Yesterday, year 4 began their new topic – ‘What happens to our food?’. We took part in an exciting hook day, during which children plotted their own digestive system, learned all about their teeth and how they help break up food, as well as making their own digestive system parts! We also got a visit from ‘a very very old’ friend who helped us show where the parts went inside the skeleton!

In 4B this half term, we have been writing our very own stories describing the setting of our own worlds. Taking a step into the wardrobe, we found ourselves on a beach in a land which had never been seen before. This is just an example of the amazing writing we managed to create…







On Wednesday, Year 4 went back in time to the Saxon ages and learnt what life was like for a villager working in and defending their village. The day started with outfit changes, where the girls put on their wimples and the boys dressed in tunics. Shortly after the teachers reluctantly became the childrens ‘slaves’ – which excited the year 4’s greatly. 


The jam-packed day was full of real life, day to day tasks that would take place in a Saxon village: bread making, pottery moulding, collecting firewood, preparing the ground for planting plus the most thrilling activity which was learning how to guard the village in case of an attack. 


The trip was brought to life by the fantastic staff at Murton Park – who led the day in role. The fierce Lord was not someone to be reckoned with. 


At lunch time the children were invited into the great hall where they ate and entertained the Lord during his meal. 


“This is the BEST TRIP EVER!” Jack 

” My favourite part was watching Mr Shaw dress up and have water poured down his head!” Ella 

“Why can’t we go every day?” Anonymous

” My favourite part of Murton Park was getting to do some gardening! I even saw a worm!” Alfie N


What a joy it was to see the children so engaged and active all day, our trip has inspired us all and we are so excited to see what the children will learn during this Learning Challenge.  

On Thursday, Year 4 headed off for their first football tournament of the year! They did really well and all 8 children had great fun. Huge thanks to the three year 6 children who helped out, and a huge shout out to Charlie for his amazing refereeing skills!

This week, Year 4 have been beginning to make our own newspapers! To begin this topic, we have been identifying key features of newspapers, using actual newspapers to help us. Here is some of our amazing learning as we tried to find all the features we could.

This week, 4B have been finishing off their amazing diaries, in which they wrote from the perspective of a WW1 solider on the front lines. Their writing was amazing and included lots of detailed description. Well done 4B!

Last week, Year 4 took part in our very own Battle of Hastings re-enactment on the school playground. We followed this up with a feast fit for a king in our classrooms. What a way to start our Royals topic and we look forward to carrying on with some amazing learning for the rest of the term!