
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Roll up and read Great Fire of London special

Thank you for joining us at the Great Fire of London roll up and read special.

Today Year 1 were lucky enough to have a visit from the famous Samuel Pepys. Before he arrived, we had thought of some questions that we wanted him to answer about the Great Fire of London. These included, ‘How did the fire start?’ ‘How did they put the fire out?’ ‘Why did you write a diary?’ and so on. Samuel told us lots of information and we now feel that we know so many more facts about the event. Following this visit, we completed our art work based on the Great Fire and this is now displayed in our Year 1 classrooms.

We have had a great day today, all linked to reading! We had a great assembly with a whole school story – We’re Going on a Book Hunt! Mr Barker, Mrs Gunning and Mrs Digby were sorted into Hogwarts Houses by the sorting hat, we had a whole school sorting hat teacher swap. We also had lots of discussions about books, created magnificent art inspired by our class readers and filled in feathers to create a whole school display (watch this space) of why we love reading and why reading is important… phew!


Year 6 loved their focus on The Viewer – a fantastic book that really gripped their imagination – they couldn’t wait to read on !


It has been lovely to see so many children swap books, before school, during the day, during lunch time, after school… so great that the children are so keen to read and discover new books. I have had some lovely conversations with parents, staff and children about how we are all inspiring each other to read more and why it’s so important!

It was great to see lots of children swapping books and reading at lunch time!

Lola in year 6 has helped her friend to get a library card and swapped a book to read to her cousin today, it’s lovely to see Macauley reading a book he loves that he got from the library. Harvey in year 5 has inspired others to read different books and is going to be a reading ambassador. George in year 3 has swapped lots of books with Mrs Horan and has inspired lots of children in his class to read. Mr Shaw in year 4 has inspired his class to read and swap books on a regular basis.  The children in year 2 were really excited to create beautiful flower pictures based on the secret garden.

Year 5 fused art and poetry – inspired by their poetry class reader.

They created some great front covers inspired by their other class reader – The Explorer. They are going to use these to go on the front of their Explorer inspired writing.

In nursery today it was a real pleasure to read to them, they spoke in full sentences, listened carefully and we had a really interesting conversation about how you grow when you are asleep and we all agreed that the pigeon really needed to go to bed – NOT stay up late!

In year 6 the children created some great art inspired by The Viewer.

In year 4 they created Iron Man pictures – using the book and my pictures inspired by the book…

Year 3 created some fantastic pictures inspired by Kensuke’s Kingdom.


Year 2 created some great pictures inspired by the Secret Garden.

A fantastic day! Thank you for your support – letting your children bring books to swap and listening to your children read at home!

Emma Digby

In Literacy today the children shared their Great Fire of London home learning with the class. They read out the facts they had written and described how they built the houses. As we discovered new facts the children added them to their note pad of information, ready to create a fact file.

On Tuesday 11th February the year 1 parents were invited into the classrooms to celebrate the end of our Fairy tale topic.  The children showed off their Literacy writing about ‘How to catch a porridge thief’. We shared our two class reader books ‘Goldilocks and just the one bear’ and ‘Chicken Licken’. The children decorated gingerbread biscuits that they then put into their boats to see if they would float across the river without sinking, following on from our Science learning of properties of materials.


Year 1 had an amazing turn out of parents for the Chicken Licken roll up and read session. The children shared our new class read with an adult, this time the children showed off their reading skills and read to an adult. Hope to see you all again next Friday 8.50am.

On Monday the children came in to discover the role play area has been trashed and the porridge had been stolen. We have been working with the fairy tale police to find out who might have done it. We have used the Ipads to take photos of all the possible suspects in the class, taken finger prints, written incident reports and created interview questions. Hopefully when the CCTV footage arrives all will be revealed… the year group strongly suspect it to be Goldilocks.

Here are the clues the thief left behind….

This week both classes were visited by our Cooking and Nutrition teacher Mrs Houghton. The children made cheese and ham salad wraps, learning to cut tomatoes and cucumber using the claw and bridge cutting methods. The children were also involved in tearing, slicing and crumbling. The wraps were enjoyed by all!