
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’


Welcome to Reception!

To get in touch with the Reception team, please email :


EYFS Leader– Miss Brearey


Teachers– Miss Brearey (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Fotherby (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)


Teacher– Miss Butler (Autumn term) and Miss Horner

Teaching assistants (both classes) – Mrs Adams, Mrs Barry, Mrs McAtear, Mrs Parker, Miss Spencer, Miss Whitehead

Important information

Reading records: Please ensure these are signed when you hear your child read (at least 3 times a week). They should be sent to school on a Monday to be checked and sent out.

PE: Thursday is our PE day. Please send your child to school dressed in their correct PE kit.

PE kit is;

· Round necked white plain t-shirt

· Plain black or navy shorts

· Plain black or navy tracksuit (tracksuit bottoms and jumper)

· Plain black trainers and black or white socks.

Home Learning:  There is an expectation that children in Reception;

  • Read at least three times a week using their allocated reading book. Also, please share together the reading for pleasure book. Please remember to record all reading in the reading record.
  • Spellings – up to 10 spellings each week, linked to the phonics being taught, to be practised orally. The children can write them in their book if they wish. Please write in the book to say they have been completed.

Children can also complete the following:

  • 2 x 10 minutes on Reading Eggs
  • 2 x 10 minutes on Numbots
  • ‘1 minute maths’ activities on a free app (created by White Rose Maths)

If your child completes 20 minutes of Reading Eggs or Numbots then they will receive extra Class Dojos!

Tapestry: This is the platform that we use for recording your child’s development through the Early Years. Please check this regularly to see what your child has been doing at school. If you do any additional learning or activities at home then we would love to see them!

Useful links

Reading Eggs


   Click the LINK

Phonics Play

Numberblocks – BBC

Dough Disco


2024 – 2025

Autumn 2

Author of the half term – Eileen Browne

Books we are reading this half term

Week 4


Week 3

The children have loved wrapping up warm and playing outside in the snow early on this week. There wasn’t quite enough to build a snowman but we enjoyed looking at how we could shape the snow into balls. We looked at where the snow stayed for the longest time and talked about why we needed to wear our coats, hats, scarves and gloves.

This week we have also been comparing Handa’s Surprise and Rosie’s Walk. The characters in both books go for a walk but their walks take in very different surroundings. We looked at our environment and went for a walk around the school. We tried to spot some animals but only saw some crows. Can you spot them in the photos?

Week 2

This week we have been reading Handa’s Surprise. It is a lovely story and the surprise is worth waiting for! The children have been lucky enough to try some of the fruits that are mentioned in the story and have been talking about the different tastes – sweet, sour, juicy – and whether they like them or not!

We have also been doing a very exciting activity in our Commando Joe’s session where we have been building the highest tower that we can. We have worked as a group and built some very impressive towers!

Week 1

This week we have been enjoying learning about different celebrations including Bonfire Night and Diwali. We were lucky enough to hold and play with a sparkler each- being very careful to follow all the instructions about how to keep safe! We wore gloves and held the sparkler in a carrot. We also made pictures of fireworks by spinning paint on the paper to make different shapes.

Autumn 1

Author of the half term – David McKee

Books we are reading this half term


Week 1

It has been fantastic to welcome our new Reception children to Park Spring this week. They have all settled in really well and we have had great fun playing, learning and getting to know each other. We have read lots of stories together about starting school – we loved Harry and the Dinosaurs Go To School and we have been learning about dinosaurs in provision too. There are dinosaur puzzles and even dinosaur dancing to enjoy!

Week 2

This week in Reception we have been settling into our routines. It can be tricky starting Reception as it is a big change for us all and we sometimes have lots of different feelings. We have been reading the book The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas to help us to identify our different feelings. How many different types of feelings can you think of? What colour do you think of when you have that feeling?

Week 3

We have been looking at the book Elmer by our author of the half term, David McKee. Elmer is different and this makes him even more special than the other elephants, even though he sometimes doesn’t like being different. We have talked about how we are all different but how this makes us all special!

We have also been spending more time exploring our outdoor area, using the climbing tree and ‘cooking’ in our mud kitchen.

We had a fantastic time celebrating Park Spring’s 60th Anniversary- the school was opened in 1964! We took part in lots of activities; dressing up as characters and watching the film Mary Poppins, making 1960’s snacks (cheese and pineapple sticks) and having a picnic with our grown ups. It was Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Week 4

This week we are looking at the story of the Little Red Hen. We have read the story and learned the actions to tell the story ourselves with the parts that repeat.

We have also been looking at where our food comes from and discovered that we had food growing in our outdoor area. After digging up the potatoes that we had grown in the Early Years garden, we made chips. Mrs Ward brought in her air fryer and the children all had a turn at cutting the potatoes with Mrs Jones. Some of us found it quite tricky but we persevered. Then we got to eat them, they were so yummy!

Week 5

This week Reception have been looking at the story of the Little Red Hen. We have used this to help us talk about where our food comes from. After digging up the potatoes that we had grown in the Early Years garden, we made chips. Mrs Ward brought in her air fryer and the children all had a turn at cutting the potatoes with Mrs Jones. Some of us found it quite tricky but we persevered. We also made our own bread rolls, sprinkling the flour, kneading and shaping the dough then snipping the ball of dough so it looked like a hedgehog. Mrs Jones baked them in the oven for us. We got to eat the chips and the bread rolls that we made, they were so yummy!

Week 6

This week in Reception we have been reading the story Owl Babies by Martin Waddell. We have used this as a stimulus to talk about our feelings and the Zones of Regulation. Percy misses his mummy in the book and keeps saying “I miss my mummy!” We talked about Percy being in the Blue Zone and what made us feel in the Blue Zone. We then talked about what we could do to get into the Green Zone. The children came up with some fantastic ideas like sitting with their friends, hugging a teddy or reading with mum.

We also did some amazing paintings of owls using pompoms!

Week 7 

Autumn is here which means lots of colourful leaves in our playground! The children have been helping us sweep up the wet leaves, placing them in the tyres and stamping them down to compost. We hope it makes some lovely mud for our mud kitchen!

The children have also enjoyed used magnifying glasses to compare the different colours, shapes and sizes of the leaves.

Week 8

We had a visit from some owls on Wednesday to support our learning this half term. We saw different owls, big ones and small ones and got to hold a tiny one called Bobby! We felt owl feathers and learned that they were different depending on the type of owl, soft for silent and smooth for speed. We have loved reading Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and we can all tell you about Sarah and Percy and what Bill says (“I want my mummy.”)! It was amazing to see some owls in real life and we were all really brave when we held Bobby.

Spring 1

Author of the half term – Julia Donaldson

Books we are reading this half term

Spring 2

Author of the half term – Jill Murphy

Books we are reading this half term

Summer 1

Author of the half term – Jez Alborough

Books we are reading this half term

Summer 2

Author of the half term – Martin Waddell

Books we are reading this half term




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