
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

Race for Love

Thankyou to ALL of the Park Spring Family. Times are not easy financially for many of us and finding spare pennies and pounds is not as easy as it once was. But we really want the children to understand the gift of giving – and you have made this possible today. You have helped us raise at first count over £600 (and still counting!). This money goes to provide school places for the children in India at our designated International Charity – ‘Love the One School’. It so important for our children to see how lucky we are having free education and considering just how much – even in tough times that we have. Mrs Munton who volunteers at the school each year along with her family is a true inspiration and organised everything that happened today. It was wonderful to see so many grown ups join us – the children thought that was amazing! If you were able to give a little money, ran or came along and cheered – THANKS!