We feel it is really important that our children understand how important a safe community is and that they clearly understand how the Police help us stay safe. On Monday we had a whole school assembly that Mr B. led all about our BRITISH VALUES – specifically the RULE OF LAW. We discussed that where ever we are there are always rules to help us stay safe and feel valued and happy – for example NOT RUNNING when at the SWIMMING POOL or TAKING TURNS when PLAYING A BOARD GAME. For Y5 and Y6 we also invited in one of our local PCSO’s to discuss safety in our community. PCSO Broxup is pictured here working in Y5A discussing ‘making the right choices’ and always ‘thinking of the consequences of your actions’ wherever you are.
It was really good to see our PCSO’s in school – if you see them about please say hello to them – expect to see them more in and around school over the next year. Thanks Miss Bacchus who leads our PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic education) in our school.