Tuesday 19 April is primary school national offer day for September 2022 Reception places.
If you applied online, ADMISSIONS at Leeds City Council will email your child’s offer on Tuesday 19 April from 8am. Please be sure to check your junk folder in case the email ends up in there. If you applied in any other way they will send you a letter which may arrive a few days later.
If your child has been offered a place in Reception at Park Spring Primary, to start in September 2022, please email Mrs Houghton (EYFS Leader) at: admissions@parkspringprimary.co.uk to accept your child’s place. Please provide the following information:
Your full name, telephone number, email address and home address
Your child’s name, date of birth and the name of their current nursery setting
Any other information we need to know
We will be holding a ‘New Reception Parent Event’ in June 2022 – further details to follow.
If you require any further information, please contact the school office on 0113 2552526 or email admissions@parkspringprimary.co.uk
We look forward to welcoming you and your child into Reception!
Mrs Houghton