Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 13/07/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 06/07/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 29/06/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 22/06/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 15/06/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 08/06/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 01/06/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 18/05/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 11/05/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next week (WB 04/05/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Please find below the home learning packs for the next 2 weeks (WB 20/04/20 and WB 27/04/20). These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home with the first set of learning packs.
Guidance and support for parents of children with SEND
Covid 19 school closure SEND resourcesLet's get talking! (2)
Please find below the Easter Holiday Bingo sheets for the 2 weeks beginning 06/04/20.
KS1- Year 1 and 2
KS2- Year 3, 4,5 and 6
Please find links to the Learning Resource Packs which were sent out for the weeks beginning 23/03/20 and 30/03/20 . These packs are to be completed in the Learning books which were sent home alongside them.
These have been uploaded to allow parents/carers to print off the packs if misplaced, or to have on a screen to work from. Additional resources will be uploaded here throughout the school closure period.