What a week. This was our first ASPIRATIONS week. We wanted to get pupils thinking about future careers and opportunities that they might be interested as they progress. We had 22 amazing visitors who delivered 27 superb assembly aspiration sessions here at PSPS. We hope your children have been coming home all week and telling you all about it! What was really special was the return of three of our former pupils. Jess who is studying Maths at Manchester University. Cian who has a pro contract with Leeds United and Nick a pro first team player for Hull Rugby League. We had Ellie’s mum, Jensen’s dad , Nia & Logan’s dad and Ella’s mum speaking as well as new friends to the school. Oh and Miss Bacchus invited her mum to speak to us too! It felt like we were learning lots and having fun last week! Please find time to speak to your children about their own aspirations!