
Welcome to
Park Spring Primary School

‘Achieving Together ● Inspired To Be Successful’

A wonderful and sad end to the term

End of term is always one of mixed emotions. There is always so much to celebrate and be thankful for yet at the same time we are saying goodbye to some very special people. Pictured are the children with the best attendance from across this school year being celebrated – an awesome achievement – as we say you can’t learn if you aren’t here!

Also we can see part of the goodbye assembly for the staff that are moving on to pastures new. Good luck to Mr Shaw, Mrs McWhinnie, Mrs Macnaboe, Mrs Houghton, Mrs Moakafi, Mr Sharp, Mr Powell and Miss Clarkson – we will miss you lots – thank you all for helping make Park Spring such a wonderful place to learn and work.

And finally – we made it just – the weather held fair just long enough for us to have a final picnic and ‘blue folder’ celebration for our leaving Y6 cohort. We even managed the now traditional ‘whole school clap out’ – and then the heavens opened with a biblical downpour of rain! If we missed saying a final farewell – then you know you are always welcome back and we love hearing how you are getting on at high school – Good luck in Y7!